What is a bibliography? A bibliography is an alphabetical list of any sources you consult in any language, including– books magazines newspapers CD-ROMs Websites interviews encyclopaedias video clips etc.
Why do we write bibliographies? To acknowledge our sources To give our readers information to identify and consult our sources And to make sure our information is accurate
What if we don’t include a bibliography? We may be accused of plagiarism 瓢竊罪 名 (that is, stealing another person’s ideas or writing); if so, we may lose some or all of the marks for an assignment or a course.
智慧財產權 現代西方文化非常重視智慧財產權,而文章所有 權是其中之一.凡是學術著作需要引用到前人著 作或思想者,按習慣均需要在文章中註明出處, 並且對於如何註明,英美學術界訂有極為繁瑣的 引用規則.引用前人的著作時,如果是逐字引用, 照例必須要加上雙引號( “ ” )且註明引用書籍或 文章及頁數 如果是換句陳述( paraphrasing )或取汲前人思 想,則需要在文章的最後面按照不同的學術機構 規定格式,列出引用的參考書目
Points to Remember Instead of typing the titles in bold face, you can underline them or use italics. (When handwriting you underline the titles). The final bibliography needs to be in alphabetical order. Get into the habit of writing down the bibliographic details on your Bibliography in Progress sheet, as soon as you decide that a resource will be useful.
Case 1 : If no author is given In this case just enter the title and publishing details. How science Experience works. London: Dorling Kindersley,1999. Title of book. City of Publication: Publishing Company, Copyright Year.
Case 2 : Magazines and Other Periodicals Smith, John. "Fast Food.” Good Diet 4 Oct. 2006: 4 Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Magazine Title Date of Magazine : Pages.
Case 3 : Encyclopedias With an Author Jones, Peter." Chinese Food." World Book Encyclopedia ed. Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Encyclopedia Title. Edition.
Case 4 : Internet Sources with an Author Edwards, Bruce L. “C.S. Lewis: A Modest Literary Biography.” Online Literary Criticism Collection. Internet Public Library. 14 Apr [Author’s Last Name, First Name.] “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia or Reference Book. Copyright Year. Online Publisher. Date of Visit to site.
Case 5 : Newspapers Chan, Joseph. "Healthy Food" SCMP 16 November 2006: A6 Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” [if Letter to the Editor, include that information]. Name of Newspaper [City if local and not in Newspaper name] Date of Newspaper : Section and Page, Columns.
References A guide to writing bibliographies. 4 July 解志強. 20 Nov, 英國思灣西大學.. Prepared by VSA P5 teachers Edited and expanded by VSA Librarians June 2008