CHAPTER THREE Personal Selling
PURPOSES OF SELLING n Introducing Innovation to Markets n Conveying Information n Acting as Intelligence Agent n Solving Customer Problems
ATTITUDES ABOUT SELLING n “Sales people are born and not made.” n “Sales people must be good talkers.” n “Selling is a matter of knowing the right techniques or tricks.” n “A good salesperson can sell ice to an Eskimo.” n “People generally do not want to buy.”
TRAITS OF “WINNING SALES PEOPLE” n Desire to succeed n Continually seek self-improvement n Accept responsibility n Have mental toughness
PERSONAL SELLING AND THE MARKETING MIX n Price, Product, Place, and Promotion –Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Personal Selling
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n PRETRANSACTIONAL PHASE (Prospecting, Qualifying, Precall Planning) n TRANSACTIONAL PHASE (Approach, Needs Discovery, Presentation, Handling Objections, Closing) n POSTTRANSACTIONAL PHASE (Service and Follow-up)
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Prospecting –External Sources »Direct Inquiries »Referrals »Directories »Cold Canvassing –Internal Sources
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Qualifying –Qualified candidates have a need, have the authority to buy, and can afford to buy
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning –What do I want to accomplish? –What do I know about the prospect? –Where can I find information? –What am I going to say?
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning--”What do I want to accomplish?” –determine information on historical inventory levels. –determine who is involved in the purchasing decision. –arrange for a follow-up meeting –agreement to a trial-run purchase
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning--”What do I know about the prospect?” –Size of business/products sold/markets served –Key personnel –Buying routines/purchasing process –Present supplier(s)/volumes purchased –Future plans
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning--”Where can I find information?” –Ask prospect directly –Observe business facilities –Ask other company salespeople –Ask current customers –Ask competitors
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning--”What am I going to say?” –The Sales Mix Model »Presentation Pace »Presentation Scope »Depth of Inquiry »Two-way Communication »Visual Aids
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Precall Planning--”What am I going to say?” –Implications for managers »how to structure the presentation »product, competitive, industry information »increase rep confidence
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n The Approach –Securing Appointments –Establishing Rapport
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n “Why is the approach important?” –It can help capture the buyer’s attention –It can help to establish a harmonious atmosphere –It serves as a good transition to the presentation –It can help in need determination
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n The Approach –Types of Approaches »Introductory Approach »Assessment Approach »Product Approach »Consumer Benefit Approach »Referral Approach
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Need Discovery –Ascertain buyer benefits –Types of questions: permission, fact finding, feeling finding, checking
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Presentation Types –Canned –Organized –Tailored
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n The Presentation –Focus on Benefits, not just Features –Keep it Simple –Talk the Prospect’s Language –Stress Application –Get the Prospect Emotionally Involved –Seek Credibility
FROM THE INTERNET n Psycho Selling Skills--Getting Inside Your Prospect’s Head n n
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Overcoming Objections n LSCPA Approach to Overcoming Objections: –L isten to the buyer’s feelings –S hare the concerns without judgment –C larify the real issue with questions –P roblem solve by presenting options/solutions –A sk for action to determine commitment
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Closing –Alternative Choice –Summary Close
PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS n Service and Follow-up –Entering Orders –Installation of Product –Training –Handling Billing Problems
FROM THE INTERNET n “Basic Selling Skills Questionnaire” n n
PERSONAL SELLING APPROACHES n Stimulus-Response Selling n Need Satisfaction Selling n Problem Solving Selling
PERSONAL SELLING APPROACHES n STIMULUS RESPONSE SELLING –Manipulate customer to elicit desired responses
PERSONAL SELLING APPROACHES n NEED SATISFACTION SELLING –Presentation is tailored to fit needs of buyer
PERSONAL SELLING APPROACHES n PROBLEM SOLVING (PROBLEM- SOLUTION) SELLING –The salesperson defines a customer problem that may be solved by various alternatives.
PERSONAL SELLING POSITIONS n Sales Support Personnel (Missionaries) n New Business (Pioneers and Order Getters) n Existing Business (Order Takers) n Direct to Consumer Sales n Combination Sales Positions
FROM THE TEXT... n Read pages 96 to 127.