UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Business, sustainable development and the MDGs: A changing landscape
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Understanding what drives business In a 1999 survey of 4000 Europeans, 86% said they would be more likely to buy a product from a company “engaged in activities to help improve society”. Fleishman Hillard, 1999, Consumers Demand Companies with a Conscience
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Trust in business? 2003 survey on confidence in institutions % of 19,000 surveyed that said they had a lot or some trust in: NGOs65% United Nations59% National governments53% Large domestic companies52% Press50% Trade Unions48% Global corporations42%
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development Total 180 respondents; 71% attended WSSD Companies – 58%; Others – 42%
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Views of business & sustainable development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Business motivations?
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Cross sector partnerships
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Cross sector partnerships
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Cross sector partnerships
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Cross sector partnerships
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Business and MDGs Achieving MDGs will require greater & more equitable economic growth – through responsible investments and entrepreneurship Private sector central in addressing specific development challenges – creative private sector solutions to telecommunications, energy / electricity, financial services, water and sanitation etc. Engaging the 4 billion at the “base of the economic pyramid”, is enormous untapped business opportunity
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Why MDGs are important to business Three main reasons: Investing in a sound environment in which to do business Managing the direct costs and risks of doing business Harnessing new business opportunities
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships How business can impact MDGs 1.Corporate social responsibility 2.Core business – sustainable business 3.Policy dialogue, advocacy
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships 1. Corporate Social Responsibility …reflects a changing relationship between business and society CSR is: “The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.” World Business Council for Sustainable Development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Corporate Social Responsibility Main Issues How business handle: Human rights Environment Labor rights Working conditions Transparency / corruption Fair competitive behavior Responsible marketing Etc.
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Corporate Social Responsibility What can companies do? Social investments: 1. PEOPLE – advisors, volunteers, secondments 2. MONEY – grants, loans, venture capital, equity 3. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES – donations, “at cost”, social marketing 4. COMPETENCIES – technical, managerial, training courses, work experience 5. FACILITIES – premises, equipment 6. ACCESS TO BUSINESS NETWORKS and decision- makers
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Behaving responsibly improves business’: Reputation management Relationships with society, investors Resource efficiency – cost savings Responsiveness Recruitment of motivated employees Risk management Identify new business opportunities = Business Case Corporate responsibility helps build stronger societies, economies and new markets Corporate Social Responsibility The business case Sustainable business value Competitiveness
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships 2. Core business Products and services: How sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, pricing etc. of products and services can either contribute to or impede the MDGs Policies and practices How policies and practices in areas such as ethics, the environment, health and safety, human rights, labour relations, human resource management either impede or contribute to MDGs?
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Investment and income flows Employment Goods and services Human resources Infrastructure Technology transfer Standards, business practices Local business development 2. Core business activities Impact on development
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships 2. Core business - Sustainable business Emerging concept – enterprises deliver appropriate, affordable products & services that meet real needs (energy, telecom, consumer products, basic services etc.) Ex: Hindustan Lever Grameen Phone New way of doing business – new business models require stakeholder engagement / partnerships Pilot experiences: WBCSD, UNDP / Global Compact, “base of the pyramid” thinking
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Development benefits Business benefits Philanthropy Strategic CSR Sustainable Business partnerships Business & development benefits
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships Development / CSR Active Civil Society Healthy Environment Political Stability Trained Work Force Fair and Honest Regulatory Institutions Rule of Law Accountable Government Peace Sound Economy UNDP and Business: Overlapping interests
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships What?
UNDP & the Business SectorBureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships What? 1) Outreach & advocacy on CSR 2) Policy dialogues - business role in development 3) Partnership projects around development issues 4) Facilitating sustainable investments and private delivery of basic services Types of engagement / partnerships with business GLOBAL LEVELCOUNTRY LEVEL Multi-sector partnerships