By: Vanessa Manor One Fish Two Fish Three Fish Reading with Dr. Seuss!
Unit Question How do you find rhyming words and there pattern? Essential Question What will the students learn about rhyming words?
Activity 1.First, I would read aloud one of Dr. Seuss’s books to the class and after we are done reading we would discus the book as a class. 2.Break the class up into groups, about four or five groups. I would give each group a copy of 2 or 3 pages from the book we read aloud as a class. 3.In each group they would write down all the rhyming words on a chart paper. 4.After, they found all the rhyming words have them think of some of their own that would relate to those words they have found. 5.Finally share aloud as a class. Have each group discus what they came up with. Objective: the students will be able to learn about rhyming words.
Second Grade (2.14) Writing/purposes. The student writes for a variety of audiences and purposes, and in various forms. The student is expected to: write to record ideas and reflections (K-3); (2.20) Writing/inquiry/research. The student uses writing as a tool for learning and research. The student is expected to: record his/her own knowledge of a topic in various ways such as by drawing pictures, making lists, and showing connections among ideas (K-3); (2.11) Reading/text structures/literary concepts. The student analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts. The student is expected to: understand and identify simple literary terms such as title, author, and illustrator across a variety of literary forms (texts) (2);
Cognitive : the students will be able to recite rhyming words using their knowledge Affective : the students will be able to understand Dr. Seuss’s aspect and how he writes his books Psychomotor : the students will be able to enhance their fine motor skills to write down the rhyming words they discovered from reading