“Elementary” Tips For Engaging Young Readers Jean Boray Elementary Reading Coordinator Education Summit 2008
Scott Foresman Reading Street DVD explaining the elementary reading program Family Times
5 Important Parts of Reading Phonemic Awareness: The ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words. Phonics: also known as the Alphabetic Principle. The ability to associate sounds with letters and use these sounds to form words. –Nursery Rhymes- Sound games –Sight words- Lots of reading
5 Parts Continued… Fluency: The effortless ability to automatically read words in connected text. –Listening and practicing fluent reading with expression ( known as prosody) Reading Rate Expectations: GradeBOY WCPM EOY WCPM Average Weekly gain FirstMid words Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
5 Part Continued… Vocabulary: The ability to understand and use words to acquire and convey meaning. –Wide reading ~ different types of books (Genre) helps build background knowledge While reading talk about words and their meanings Do crossword puzzles, play word games, Word Bingo, Concentration, Scrabble, Boggle… Point out interesting words around you. Children need to learn at least 3,000 new words a year to stay on track.
Independent Reading What Matters (Trelease2006, Allington 1988 Percentile Rank Minutes of Reading Per Day Words Read Per Year ,358, ,823, ,146, , , , , , , ,000
Comprehension… Four important parts of comprehension : –Predicting –Questioning –Clarifying –Summarizing
5 Parts Continued… Comprehension: The complex process involving the interaction between the reader and the text to convey meaning. –Good readers create pictures in their minds as they read. –Help your child with detailed questions, it leads to good visual images. When they are confident with a sentence try a paragraph and then a whole page of text. This activity helps build questioning.
Encourage Reading Take your child to the library. Read aloud to your child everyday. Listen to your child read aloud everyday. Be A Reading Model. Limit TV and screen time. Children need the 4 “A’s” –Attention –Appreciation –Affection –Acceptance Expect the best from them!
Ten Reasons to Read to Your Child 1.When you hold them and give them attention they know you love them. 2.Reading to them will encourage them to become readers. 3.Today children’s books are so good that they are fun even for adults. 4.The illustrations often rank with the best, giving children a lifelong appreciation for good art.
Top Ten Continued… 5.Books are one way of passing on your values. 6.Books will enable your child’s imagination to soar. 7.Until they learn to read they think you are magic. 8. Listening to stories will help develop your child's attention span. 9. When you give them this gift, you will create memories that last a lifetime. 10. Every teacher and librarian you ever meet will thank you!
Websites click Academics -WebLinks -Elementary -options on leftwww.rochester.k12.mn.us
Websites for K- Grade help/junior/language-artshttp://kids.aol.com/homework- help/junior/language-arts nes.htmhttp://webtech.kennesaw.edu/jcheek3/lilo nes.htm
Websites for Grades Ask your child’s teacher for an access code to get on the Scott Foresman site.
"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
Never leave home without some books to read!