B.I.R.D.S. RAH Log
Rules & Events 1 Set a personal goal of the minutes you wish to read each day 1 st Grade: up to 25 minutes 2 nd Grade: up to 35 minutes 3 rd Grade: up to 45 minutes 4 th Grade: up to 60 minutes 5 th Grade: up to 75 minutes 6 th Grade: up to 90 minutes
Rules & Events 2 Parents should help their child time and record the minutes read at home into this Reading At Home Log. Reading includes independent reading, listening to a book being read aloud, or listening to a book on tape or CD. Each Wednesday, during B.I.R.D.S. month, Parents should add up the minutes read for the week and sign the Reading Log.
Rules & Events 3 Thursday, February 13 th, will be Pajama Day and an afternoon school-wide Read-In. Students will be spending a comfortable afternoon reading or participating in reading activities. Students may wear appropriate pajamas or sweats.
Rules & Events 4 On Thursday, February 27 th, students must turn in their B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home Logs to have their minutes count in the final tally for their class.
Rules & Events 5 The final activity for B.I.R.D.S. is Book Character Day on Friday, February 28 th. Students and staff are encouraged to come to school dressed up as their favorite book character. Friday is also Evergreen’s “Read Across America” day to honor the birthday of Dr. Seuss!
Contests & Rewards 1 Each Thursday, Beginning February 6 th, bookmarks, stickers or erasers will be given to students who turn in their Reading At Home Logs to their teacher.
Contests & Rewards 2 Every Thursday, in February, is “Read With Your Stuffed Animal Day.” Students who are reading with the mystery stuffed animal of the week will receive a small treat.
Contests & Rewards 3 Every student who participates in the B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home Program and turns in their logs on February 27 th will receive a certificate of participation.
Contests & Rewards 4 The classroom at each grade level that logs the most B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home minutes will earn an Ice-Cream Sundae Party.
DateMinutes ReadDateMinutes Read 2-01_____________2-06______________ 2-02_____________2-07______________ 2-03_____________2-08______________ 2-04_____________2-09______________ 2-05_____________2-10______________ 2-11______________ 2-12______________ Total For Week 1_____________Total For Week 2______________ Parent’s Signature_____________Parent’s Signature______________ B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home LOG
DateMinutes Read DateMinutes Read 2-13______________ 2-20______________ 2-14______________ 2-21______________ 2-15______________ 2-22______________ 2-16______________ 2-23______________ 2-17______________ 2-24______________ 2-18______________ 2-25______________ 2-190______________ Total For Week 3______________ Total For Week 4______________ Parent’s Signature______________Parent’s Signature______________ B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home LOG
B.I.R.D.S. AT HOME READING LOG Student’s Name: ____________________________________ Grade: _____________Room #: ___________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________ My goal is to read for at least ________________ minutes per day during the B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home program. I read a Grand Total of ___________________ minutes for the entire B.I.R.D.S. Reading At Home month.