1 ISO WD3 ISO/TMB WG SR – ISO ISO WD3 Contributing to the development of ISO Dubai Practitioners Workshop (10 July 2007)
2 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 Social Responsibility Responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, though transparent and ethical behaviour that: –is consistent with the sustainable development and the welfare of society –takes into account the expectations of stakeholders –is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour –is integrated throughout the organization
3 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 Social Responsibility Issue: A specific item that can be acted upon to seek favourable outcomes for the organization and/or its stakeholders Accountability: Obligation or willingness of an organization to accept responsibility and explain the reasons, causes, or motives for its actions Organizational Governance: Is the system by which an organization is directed and managed in pursuit of ist specific objectives Further elaboration on the meaning of social responsibility is provided in Section 4.2 (The concept of social responsibility) OTHER MAIN DEFINITIONS It is recognized that the following issues that have not explicitly been included in the draft definition will be addressed elsewhere in ISO 26000:
4 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 4. SR context in which organizations operate 4.1 Historical background and trends 4.2 The concept of the social responsibility 4.3 From theory to practice 4.4 The relationship of the stakeholder approach to the concept of social responsibility
5 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 5. Principles General law or rule adopted or professed as a basis for conduct or practice that should animate or inform an organization’s decision-making and conduct. The principles Compliance with the law Respect for internationally recognised instruments Recognition for stakeholders and their concerns Accountability Transparency Sustainable development Ethical Conduct Precautionary approach Respect for fundamental human rights Respect for diversity
6 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on social responsibility core issues
7 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development Organisational Governance Legal compliance Accountability Transparency Ethical conduct Recognition of stakeholders and their concerns
8 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 Human Rights Civil and Politics Rights Social, Economical and Cultural Rights Vulnerable Groups Fundamental Rights at Work 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development
9 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development Labour practices Employment and Employment relationships Conditions of work and social protection Social dialogue Health and Safety at work Human development
10 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 Environment Environmental aspects of activities, products and services Promoting sustainable consumption and production Sustainable resource use Addressing climate change Valuing ecological services 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development
11 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development Fair operating practices Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Responsible political involvement Fair Competition Promoting Social responsibility through the supply chain Respect for property rights
12 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development Consumer issues Fair business, marketing and information practices Protecting Consumers’ Health and Security Mechanism for product recall Provision and development of environmentally and socially beneficial P&S After-supply service and support and dispute resolution and redress Consumer data protection and privacy Access to essential products and services Sustainable consumption Educational awareness
13 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 6. Guidance on SR core issues Organisational governance Human rights Labour practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Social development Contribution to social development Contribution to economic development Community involvement issues
14 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 An important challenge is to ensure that ISO is relevant to the very different circumstances of different parts of the world
15 Dubai - July 2007 ISO/TMB WG SR ISO ISO WD3 Questions and discussions