What Happens After January? By the Spring of 2013, the Ministry will create a ‘Proposed Directions for Graduation’ discussion document based on feedback received from the regional consultation sessions and other sources The discussion document will be used to initiate a second round of consultation involving further, but more focussed, dialogue about graduation requirements Recommendations for new graduation requirements will be prepared for Government consideration after this further consultation period Note: The implementation of new graduation requirements is at least two years away. There will likely be a transition period from the current to new graduation requirements
BC Colleges BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association BC School Superintendents Association BC School Trustees Association BC Student Voice BC Teachers’ Federation Research Universities’ Council BC Association of Institutes and Universities BC Chamber of Commerce Council of Administrators of Special Education Continuing Education Directors Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique Federation of Independent School Associations First Nations Education Steering Committee Provincial Partner Groups
How did we get here?
The Challenge We have a strong, stable system, but need a more nimble and flexible one to better meet the needs of all learners.
Strong starting position: motivated students outstanding teachers committed parents skilled administrators dedicated education partners and community members Staying solid on the basics, and developing key competencies Rigorous provincial-level student assessment, performance standards, and reporting Flexibility and choice Building on Strengths
Actions So Far Educated Citizen Early Years and Early Intervention Curriculum and Assessment Framework Province-wide Conversations Regional sessions throughout the province District-led sessions Meetings with partner groups Broad (conferences) and personal (team visits, in Ministry and in the field) Online public forum (questions and comments)
BC Education Plan: Key Elements 1. Personalized learning for every student 2. Quality teaching and learning 3. Flexibility and choice 4. High standards 5. Learning empowered by technology
Meeting Objective Gather input to develop recommendations for new graduation requirements
Current Grad Requirements 48 credits from required courses ■ Planning 10 ■ a Language Arts 10* ■ a Language Arts 11 ■ a Language Arts 12* ■ a Mathematics 10* ■ a Mathematics 11 or 12 ■ a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or credits from elective courses, and 4 credits from Graduation Transitions ■ Social Studies 10 ■ a Social Studies 11* or 12 ■ Science 10* ■ a Science 11 or 12 ■ Physical Education Credits Total 5 required exams (in courses noted by *) School Completion/Evergreen Certificate and GED are not Graduation credentials
Adult Grad Requirements 20 credits from required courses ■ a Language Arts 12 ■ a Mathematics 11 or 12 Eligibility Requirements ■ a student must be a minimum of 18 years of age to begin the adult graduation program ■ A student must, after entering the program, take a minimum of 3 courses, but can transfer over 2 from previous schooling if they have eligible courses. ■ a Social Studies 11 or 12 ■ And two Grade 12 level OR ■ 3 Grade 12 level ministry authorized courses
Collecting Information Each table assigns a scribe (very important role) Capture conversations on feedback forms
Question 1 What do you think are the core or essential things all students should know, understand and be able to do by the time they leave secondary school?
The Educated Citizen thoughtful, able to learn and to think critically, and who can communicate information from a broad knowledge base; creative, flexible, self-motivated and who have a positive self image; capable of making independent decisions; skilled and who can contribute to society generally, including the world of work; productive, who gain satisfaction through achievement and who strive for physical well-being; cooperative, principled and respectful of others regardless of differences; aware of the rights and prepared to exercise the responsibilities of an individual within the family, the community, Canada, and the world.
Context Competencies Phases K-12 Prototype Curriculum
The following objectives guide the work of the Ministry of Education for Aboriginal students in British Columbia: Aboriginal voice is increased in the Provincial education system. Knowledge of Aboriginal language, culture and history is increased throughout the Provincial education system. The Provincial education system provides for focused leadership and informed practice for increasing Aboriginal student success.
Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors. Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place). Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions. Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities. First Peoples Principles of Learning
Learning recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge. Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story. Learning involves patience and time. Learning requires exploration of one’s identity. Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations. First Peoples Principles of Learning
Increase Aboriginal voice by involving Aboriginal people in educational planning and decision-making at all levels; Increase the knowledge of Aboriginal languages, cultures, histories and pedagogy for all students and teachers (as this will benefit both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students); and Use informed practice to help Aboriginal students succeed. How…
Context for Curriculum Size: create space to allow creative uses Nature: focus on competencies and higher-order concepts Organization: clear standards for areas of learning How curriculum is experienced: ■ standards combined and integrated in various ways ■ courses if necessary, but not necessarily courses
Draft Prototype: Science – Year 7
Curriculum Elements
Draft Cross-Curricular Competencies* Communication Critical thinking Creative thinking and innovation Personal responsibility and well-being Social responsibility Continua developed by teams of teachers will support assessment and reporting of competencies * In development
Curriculum Organizers Curriculum organizers identify the structure of the curriculum as it relates to the discipline(s) it is based upon Identity, Society and Culture Governance Economy & Technology Environment
Cross-Curricular Competencies Highlights that cross-curricular competencies are a key feature of the curriculum and make clear what skills/processes of each competency are focused on that year. Communication (C) Communication (C) Critical Thinking (CT) Critical Thinking (CT) Creative Thinking and Innovation (CI) Creative Thinking and Innovation (CI) Personal Responsibility (PR) Personal Responsibility (PR) Social Responsibility (SR) Social Responsibility (SR)
Big Ideas and Learning Standards Big Ideas identify the enduring understandings of the area of learning; Learning Standards describe what students are expected to understand and demonstrate Contact with others influences peoples’ distinct cultural beliefs. examine the distinct cultures of First Nations groups living in British Columbia prior to contact with Europeans C, CT, GC appraise the effects of early contact between Aboriginal societies and European explorers and settlers CT, GC Governance structures affect people’s rights and responsibilities. compare pre-contact governance structures of Aboriginal communities with those of early European settlements in BC and Canada C, CT, GC assess the impact of Canadian governance on Aboriginal people’s rights CT, GC Through time humans have faced challenges and met needs by developing new systems and technologies. investigate technologies developed by Aboriginal people C, GC describe early trading systems of Aboriginal cultures in BC C Geography and way of life affect one another. analyze Aboriginal peoples’ historic and contemporary relationship with the land and natural resources C, CT, GC, SR, ES predict the impact of all Canadians adopting Aboriginal world views CI, GC, PR, ES
Links Links provide additional information (written, visual, audio- visual) to clarify and support the curriculum, for example: ■ Example inquiries and cross-curricular projects ■ Demonstrations of learning
Draft Prototype: Science – Year 7
Question 2 Beyond the core, how could pathways for choice or exploration be provided?
Question 3 Research is underway with focus on the following five cross-curricular competencies * : Communication Critical Thinking Creative Thinking and Innovation Personal Responsibility and Well Being Social Responsibility How do you think students could demonstrate these competencies? * In development
Current Research Working Description of Competencies: Communication is the imparting or exchange of information, experiences, and ideas through language, symbols, movement, or images to build a common understanding Critical Thinking is focused on deciding what is reasonable to believe or do in a given situation Creative Thinking and Innovation means generating and implementing new ideas Personal Responsibility and Well Being is taking responsibility for one’s actions, making ethical decisions in complex situations, accepting consequences, and understanding how one’s actions affect others; includes financial literacy Social Responsibility is being able to take the perspective of and empathize with others, to recognize and appreciate diversity, to defend human rights, to solve problems in peaceful ways, and to contribute towards social, cultural and ecological causes; includes collaboration and teamwork
Current Research Concept Paper on Critical Thinking Concept Paper on Creative Thinking and Innovation A group of language arts experts are looking at the Communications and Research Paper on Aboriginal Perspectives
Question 4 How could student learning be communicated to: Students Parents/Guardians Post secondary Institutions/Employers
Proposed Directions for Assessment Student Assessment Multiple approaches, emphasizing student self-assessment and assessment for learning Developmental continua and exemplars for cross-curricular competencies Example demonstrations of learning Refreshing existing performance standards
Large-Scale Assessment There will be provincial assessments at elementary and secondary grades—what they will look like is TBD. Will be designed to support learning. Incorporate a wider variety of formats than present, including performance tasks, structured inquiries, classroom-based assessments. In elementary, both foundation skills and competencies will be assessed. In secondary, increased emphasis on competencies and key areas of learning (will tie in to discussions on graduation requirements). Proposed Directions for Assessment
Communicating Student Learning Reporting
Communicating Student Learning: Directions and Feedback to Date Shift from “reporting” to “communicating student learning” Reporting on cross-curricular competencies and areas of learning Ongoing communication with provincial guidelines and supports Formal, written summative reporting at key times in the year Clear performance standards-based language No letter grades for K-9; varied views for Grades No percentages - varied views
Question 5 How would you design an awards program to recognize student success in a personalized learning environment?
Background In January, 2012, Ministry staff convened a focus group of senior staff in five school districts to consider the future of a provincial awards program. The group suggested the following changes: revise the provincial awards program to better align with personalized learning divert scholarship funding from passport to education and the provincial exam scholarship to the district/authority award, renew scholarship criteria to focus on all aspects of student success develop criteria with enough flexibility to reflect unique district and community priorities The Ministry is consulting more widely among education partners and stakeholders this fall.
Next steps Synthesize/analyze input from regional sessions into regional report Present regional report with recommendations to Ministry and partner groups in January 2013 Provincial synthesis of 6 regional reports into final Provincial Report in Spring 2013 (for public review)
Appendices APPENDIX CONTENT to go here
Three Phases of Learning Foundation Years: K-5? Middle Years: 6-9? 6-10? Graduation Years: 10-12? 11-12?