Examples of Transport for London Campaigns appearing in the Evening Standard for FY’s April 2007-March 2013
Campaigns and public information notices appearing in the Evening Standard for FY’s April March 2013 April March 2008 April March 2009 April March 2010 April March 2011 April March 2012 April March 2013 Public and legal notices Audit of accounts public notice Tube upgrade programme Cycling, Safer travel at night Oyster Congestion Charging retail Public inspection notices, closure of audit notice Tube upgrade programme Congestion Charging River services Cycle hire Low Emission Zone Overground Public notices (Accounting public notice, Blackwall tunnel) Low Emission Zone Tube investment programme public notices Tube ‘check before you travel’ Congestion Charging Powered two wheelers in bus lanes River Crossings consultation Tube investment programme Public inspection notice (audit of accounts) River Crossings consultation Congestion Charging London 2012 Olympic Route Network
London Underground Investment Programme Campaign objective: To inform Londoners about the London Underground Investment Programme
Tube Northern Line Closure 2010
Tube Upgrade Programme Feb Campaign objective: To inform Londoners about the Tube Upgrade Plan
Check Before You Travel Campaign objective: To encourage customers to check for planned Tube disruptions when travelling at weekends
Overground East London Line Extension 2009 Campaign objective: To raise awareness of the improvements to the London Overground. Overground 2011
Oyster 2009 Campaign objectives: to help Oyster customers avoid paying the maximum fare. Campaign objectives: to help Oyster customers understand that they can use Oyster across a number of different modes including national rail
Congestion Charging: Launch of the new Retail provider 2009 Campaign objective: To inform drivers about the location changes of the retail channel and to encourage them to use the online shop locator.
Congestion Charge Campaign objectives: To inform drivers about the changes to the operation of the scheme and to encourage drivers to register for Auto Pay to reduce the risk of drivers receiving penalties
Congestion Charge Xmas Free days 2012 Campaign objectives: To raise awareness of the suspension of the charge during the Festive period.
Cycling 2009
Cycle Hire 2010 Campaign objective: To announce the launch of the new cycle hire scheme
Powered two wheeler Bus Lanes
London River Services 2010
Low Emission Zone consultation 2010
River Crossing Consultation Feb and Oct 2012 Campaign objective: To encourage Londoners and local residents to have their say on the proposals
Congestion Charge Consultation 2010 Congestion Charge Consultation 2012/13
Low Emission Zone 2011 Campaign objective: To encourage owners of affected vehicles to take timely action to meet the required emissions standards
Safer Travel at Night 2009 Campaign objective: To reduce the propensity to use unbooked minicabs and to help contribute to a reduction in the number of minicab related sexual offences
London 2012 Olympic road network 2012 Campaign objective: To raise of awareness of how and where the Olympic/Paralympic route network operated and to encourage drivers to plan ahead to avoid the route