The London Bombings; 7 July Update –18 July All Images are available public domain and are property of owners Three of the bombing suspects visited Pakistan last year. Death toll now 55 (Injured dying), death toll may still rise. Total includes bombers, now confirmed as UK’s first Suicide Bombers. The blast at Kings Cross killed 26 people 13 died on the bombed bus at Tavistock Square Attacks at Edgware Rd and Aldgate each killed six people UNCLASSIFIED Police in Leeds
London Bombings Timeline The four men were captured on CCTV at King's Cross station, wearing rucksacks, shortly before 0830 BST on the morning of the attacks. The men had travelled to King's Cross on a Thameslink train from Luton. CCTV footage of them has also been released to find out more about what they were doing. At King's Cross, they split up, three of them detonating their bombs on separate trains almost simultaneously at 0850 BST. Circle line trains numbers 204 and 216 to have occurred within the space of one minute respectively Bombs occurred in succession 204, 216, then Piccadilly 331 Hussain's bomb went off 57 minutes later, at Tavistock Square. Police had not recovered any timing devices from the bomb scenes, possibly indicating that detonation was by hand.
London Bombing Suspects The bombers (left to right): Hasib Hussain, Germaine Lindsay (dark cap), Mohammad Sidique Khan (light cap) and Shehzad Tanweer Luton at 0720, BST, on Thursday 7 July Detectives have officially confirmed identities of all four of the men
London Bombing Suspects MI5 has confirmed it assessed one of the London bombers in another investigation but thought he was not a threat. Mohammad Sidique Khan. “After initial inquiries, in depth surveillance was not initiated, because it would have been too costly.” Six more persons are being detained in conjunction with the bombings as of 17 July. They are being held in Beeston, Leeds. The Pakistani and al Qaeda connection is being closely examined. Three of four bombers visited Pakistan, the fourth purportedly toured Afghanistan. Several are being held by Pakistani authorities in connection to the London attacks, though six were said to have been cleared in the inquiry.
London Bomber: Tanweer Shehzad Tanweer, Aldgate Tube Bomber Shehzad Tanweer pictured at Karachi airport in November Shehzad Tanweer; Aged 22, born Bradford, lived Beeston, Leeds. Studied religion in Pakistan. Forensic evidence linking him to Aldgate blast. Tanweer is believed to have visited the cities of Faisalabad and Lahore during two trips to Pakistan in the last couple of years. Tanweer had visited madrassahs, or religious schools, in Pakistan in 2004.
London Bomber: Hussain Hasib Hussain, Tavistock Square Bus Bomber Hasib Mir Hussain: Aged 18, lived Holbeck, Leeds. Reported missing on day of bombings. Said to have turned very religious two years ago. ID found in No 30 bus. Police released info on Hussain looking for missing minutes. Hasib Hussain entered Karachi from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on July 15, 2004, on flight SV714
London Bomber: Khan Mohammed Sadique Khan, Aka Sidique Edgeware Road Tube Bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan pictured at Karachi airport in November Mohammad Sidique Khan: Aged 30, from Beeston, Leeds, recently moved to Dewsbury, married with baby. ID found at Edgware Road blast site. - received grant from EU to open a gym. "Shehzad and Sidique visited Karachi in November last year, and went back to London in February." -Khan known to Mohammed Junaid Babar, a terrorist in US custody who pleaded guilty last year to providing material support to al-Qa'ida, Kahn was in Israel when 2 UK Suicide bombers attacked
London Bomber: Lindsay Germaine Lindsay, a 19-year-old Jamaican AKA: Lyndsay Jermain, Gemal Lindsay, Abdullah Shaheed Jamal, Germail Mother in Boston, USA; Father in Jamaica Married pregnant wife. Piccadilly Tube at King’s Cross Bomber - travelled to Afghanistan Lindsay worked under a false identity as a fitter for Haddenham Carpets in Aylesbury until around May He called himself Gemal Lindsay. -Days before 7/7 explosions, the 19-year-old spent £900 ($ USD) at shops on bottles of perfume. Possibly to add a napalm type effect to bombs as well as additional fragmentation. Police investigating whether Lindsay also bought Peroxide, a key ingredient of TATP. Press states Lindsay was tracked by FBI during US visit.
Other Suspect: El-Nashar Magdy Elnashar Egyptian, Magdy Mahmoud Elnashar, aka. Magdi el-Nashar, Magdy Asi el-Nashar, 33-year old bio-chemist - Denies any connection to bombings - Held by authorities in Egypt - Brother may have been also detained. Egyptian chemistry student; Magdi El-Nashar, has been detained in Cairo. He had been linked to one of the addresses searched in Leeds. - had not been seen in Leeds, Yorkshire, since early July
Other Suspects: One man has been arrested in West Yorkshire and is being questioned in London. He is believed to be related to one of the suspected Bombers. Man who bombers met, has not been fully identified, though he may in fact be the mastermind suspect. The Iqra Learning Centre in Beeston, Leeds is being investigated as where the bombers were incited and possibly recruited. Mohammad Tafazil (Age 38) is the shop owner and had been investigated by MI5. Tafazil also is linked to the Hamara Youth center in Beeston, where traces of explosives were found. Police raid another Leeds Home, 18 July
Operation Planner Suspect The mastermind, of Pakistani origin, is thought to have been trained in an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan and has been linked to previous terror operations. - possibly British born in his 30s He is believed to be connected to a senior figure who took part in an al-Qaeda terror summit in Pakistan 16 months ago where a list of future targets was reportedly finalized. - helped pick targets, has U.S. connections - A suspected al-Qaeda member entered the UK via a Channel port two weeks before the bombings, but was not put under surveillance. He flew out a couple of hours before the bombs went off
Investigative Leads update: Ten addresses in West Yorkshire and one in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, have been searched. Seven of the 10 West Yorkshire searches are still ongoing. Police have extra time to question a man, arrested on 12 July on suspicion of the commission, instigation or preparation of acts of terrorism. Police have taken more than 800 witness statements and received 3,500 calls to the anti-terrorist hotline. Wreckage of the bombed number 30 bus has been moved from Tavistock Square in central London for further forensic examination on Saturday, 16 July.
Ongoing Investigation Bus moved from Tavistock Square. Police are investigating purchases made by the bombers in the weeks leading up to the bombings Al Qaida links will be released at a future date, but must remain secret so as not to compromise ongoing investigations. Investigative links lead to UK, Pakistan, France, Egypt, USA, and possibly Spain and Germany. - Jaish-e-Mohammed group and al Qaeda connections w/bombers firm
The UK Government Response A report states that the increased threat in the UK stems from UK support to the US, especially the Iraq war. UK will not open an internal inquiry at this time, since it would be counterproductive to the investigation. Anti-terror policy followed was within existing laws. Proposed legislature to change loopholes in anti-terror measures will address offenses: - for preparing a terror attack - for training for terror - for inciting terrorism
References: London Metropolitan Police London Transport London Emergency Services Press: BBC News London and BBC International ANSA Italian News Agency, London Guardian, London Times, London Sun, New York Times AP, Yahoo, Altavista, Google, Pakistani Times, Leeds on-line DOI: July 2005 UNCLASSIFIED