Using Blogger Writing a Free Verse Sketching a Portrait Creating a Photo/Art CollagePhotoArt Using Avairy Myna PowerPoint Publishing Your Finished Product Publishing Your Finished Product
Blogger Page Under Construction O Video tutorials illustrating: O Setting up a blog O Navigation of design O Adding a post including embedding media O Adding a new page O Editing posts and pages O Using the dashboard
To BeginNextThen Free verse is just what it says it is - poetry that is written without proper rules about form, rhyme, rhythm, meter, etc. In free verse the writer makes his/her own rules. The writer decides how the poem should look, feel, and sound. To get started just write your thoughts, feelings, and ideas about your subject like you would in a journal or diary. Go back and look at your word choices. You want to use adjectives and adverbs.adjectives adverbs Add figurative language like a simile or metaphor, hyperbole, other…figurative languagesimile or metaphor hyperbole Add sound devices such as Onomatopoeiasound devices Onomatopoeia Begin cutting up your sentences. You decide your lines - how long they will be or how short. You decide the spacing between each line(s). Maybe you decide your poem has no stanzas or you want to break up your ideas into a stanza or two. You decide how your poem will look on the page. See examples.examples
Winter Poem -Nikki Giovanni once a snowflake fell on my brow and i loved it so much and i kissed it and it was happy and called its cousins and brothers and a web of snow engulfed me then i reached to love them all and i squeezed them and they became a spring rain and i stood perfectly still and was a flower LEAVES OF GRASS By Walt Whitman Come, said my soul, Such verses for my Body let us write, (for we are one,) That should I after return, Or, long, long hence, in other spheres, There to some group of mates the chants resuming, (Tallying Earth's soil, trees, winds, tumultuous waves,) Ever with pleas'd smile I may keep on, Ever and ever yet the verses owning—as, first, I here and now Signing for Soul and Body, set to them my name, Walt Whitman FREE VERSE SAMPLES
Pencil Portraits by 7 th & 8 th graders Click on image & then Select a Lesson SKETCHING A PORTRAIT
Picasa Check out the video tutorials and other tips Picasa has to offer. For the links just look beneath the photo. CREATING A PHOTO COLLAGE Photo CollagesPhoto Collages samples Photo CollagePhoto Collage: Automatic photo collage maker. You select the shape you want the collage to be created in. Looks like you will have to download to computer. You will need to spend time playing with the tools.
What does it look like? Scroll down until the heading Getting Started with Collage Get ideas and directions for creating art collages. At the bottom you can watch a YouTube video of someone creating one. Shadow Box Scrapbook layout Click mouse to enlarge images.
Using Avairy Myna
PowerPoint Tutorials How to Insert Audio.mp4 How to Insert or Embed Video.mp4 Getting started with PowerPoint 2010Getting started with PowerPoint 2010 many different video tutorials provided by Microsoft.
* You will publish your work using your blog. * Give your project a title. * Include a hyperlink to the rubricrubric * Invite your teacher, family and friends to view your newest post