WP5 : omics Coordinators : Pr Marion Leboyer (France) Pr Dan Rujescu (Germany)
WP5 organisation Paris /Créteil Pr M Leboyer (Psychiatry department, OMICS coordination) Pr P Beaune (Bio-bank, OMICS coordination) Staff : 1 psychiatrist (A Meary) -> Clinical aspects 1 research engineer (M Nacfer)-> Technical and biological aspects 1 research assistant (JR Richard)-> Ethical and regulatory aspects London Pr D Collier (OMICS) Dr P Dazzan (MRS) Munich Pr D Rujescu (OMICS coordination)
Work done : – Lab guide – Regulatory procedures for transport – Labels, Tubes, Boxes… – Transport organisation
Lab guide included in the investigator manual
Samples transport: Cryoexpress (Air liquide) Cryoexpress will furnished to the site: dry ice, boxes, plastic bags on tuesday or wednesday (8h-18h). You will be called to know if you have received the dry ice on the morning to remove it in the afternoon. The package will be removed in the afternoon (14h-18h) or the next day. The biobank will receive the package 24h to 48h after. mondaytuesdaywednesdayfridaythursday Delivery of package Then Removal of package Delivery of package to the biobank
The biobank needs a local contact who : Is available Talks in english Will program the shipping in agreement with the biobank Will do the shipment Can be called by Cryoexpress or the biobank Sends to the biobank documents by mail (Excel file for cryoboxes map) Can manage if a problem happens
Labels code Each inclusion center has a site number: 01 to 23 currently The patient number: 01 to 99 Patients will have at least 2 visits (for biomarkers) and up to 4 visits (V1= week 0, V2= week 4, V3= week 10, V4= week 22) The biobank gives a code for each tube: SGEDTA means whole blood from EDTA tube. SG= whole blood C= clot « 0109V2SGPAX » means patient N°9 from site N°1 visit N°2 whole blood from PAXgene PL= plasma SE= serum
Blood tubes and order of draw 2 SSTII tubes (gold lid, 8.5 ml) 2 EDTA tubes (lavender lid 10 ml) 1 P100 tube (8.5 ml) 2 PAXgene tubes (2.5 ml) Total : 50.5 ml per sample.
We are now ready to sent 3 kits to each center opening.