Time Signature 4 4 This is the time signature. The top number tells us how many beats there are in every bar. Bar
Note Values 4 beats 2 beats1 beat Notes can have different pitches and different lengths. The shape of a note shows how long it lasts. ½ beats
Rhythmic Values
Rests This is a one beat rest (a crotchet rest). This means that you do not play anything for 1 beat when you see this sign.
Rhythmic Values
Dotted notes A dot after a note means that we add half the value of the note to that note. For example, this note is worth 1 beat: Half the value of this note is ½ So, the total value of the note is 1 + ½ = 1½ beats.
Dotted notes How many beats is this note worth?
Rhythms How would you count this rhythm?
Rhythms How would you count this rhythm?
Rhythms How would you count this rhythm?