Research Papers AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!
How to be successful with research? Follow directions Keep up Turn things in on the due date
The Process Preparation Research Drafting Revising Submitting
How do I even start? Choose a topic Survey resources If you’re interested, it will be interesting Survey resources What’s out there HELP…I CAN”T FIND ANY INFORMATION…What do I do? Create a Working Thesis What is it you want to learn about with this topic? Keep track of sources If a source looks like you will use it, write it down
Thesis Statements Working Very general Identify topic Speculate on causes, influences, etc… Not research based Finalized More specific (refined) Identifies topic and areas covered in the paper Research based
Thesis Statement Statement of your position---be sure you know which side of the issue you are on. Should be clear and concise---use effective language (avoid being repetitive) These statements should be arguable, defendable, or debatable (that is, can someone state the opposite opinion?)
How do I make a thesis? Ask a question about your topic. Use words from the question and restate the question as a statement. The statement is your thesis (Formulating Thesis Worksheet)
You decide: Are these good thesis statements for the topics? School Uniforms: School uniforms are stupid and are therefore dumb, so they should not be allowed in any school. Exit Exams: Schools should require all high school students to pass an exit exam before graduation. Open Campus: Have you ever tried to eat lunch in just 15 minutes?
Thesis Statements 1 & 3 are NOT STRONG statements. 1 is repetitive, uses poor language, and not concise 3 is a question, so it is not a statement Thesis Statement 2 would be a STRONG thesis statement because it is clear, states the position, and uses effective language without giving all the specific information away.
How can we fix Statements 1 & 3? School Uniforms: School uniforms are stupid and are therefore dumb, so they should not be allowed in any school. Open Campus: Have you ever tried to eat lunch in just 15 minutes?
Research (note cards and source cards) Min. of 50 note cards Min. of 5 sources 3 different types Books Reference books Periodicals (print and online) Websites Magazines & newspapers found on the web are not considered websites
Note cards Paraphrase information If you don’t put it in your own words, you are plagiarizing whether you mean to or not. It’s not a good fact if you don’t know what it means or how to use it. Complete all parts of a note card DO NOT NUMBER YOUR CARDS!!!!!!! Remember, in order to be successful you have to follow directions!
Paraphrasing Putting what you read into a sentence that you understand Your note cards will not help you if you don’t know what they say! See Paraphrasing Practice in note card packet handout
Elements of a Note card Not the number of the note card, but the number of the source card Source Number I. Slug Paraphrased note---make sure it makes sense to you Citation (Author’s Last Name and page number) No author, use article title, No article title, use web address
Source Cards Where you got your info. from There is NO WAY to memorize all of the different types of sources and how to make a card for them…..SO….. Know where to find the information Research Packet (pgs. 10-24) Online source card supplement
Want an A on your Source Cards? Follow the format of the samples given. If you don’t have information (like say on a website) make sure you double check. Make sure you follow ALL PUNCTUATION Article titles are in quotes “Name of the title” Periods go where they go. Hanging indent Information is LEGIBLE
Source Card Numbers In the upper right hand corner of your source cards, NUMBER them. For example, the first source you use is number 1, the second is 2, etc…
Research Process (cont.) Creating an Outline Read all of your note cards and group them by heading (slug) Reread each card within the group and create a subheading (create smaller groups in the bigger group) For example, your slug might be Background of Harper. You then have some cards about early life and some about later life so put them into those groups. Put all cards in order based on info.
Final Outline Rules Capitalize every 1st word only Used only topics or only sentences, not both in one outline If I used sentences, I also used periods at the end. If I have an A., I do have at least a B. If I have a 1., I do have at least a 2. I have a title on my outline My header is my last name and lower case i for the page number All main categories (roman numerals) are broken down to at least A. and B. AND 1. and 2.
Crisis in Rwanda Outline Haskins i Crisis in Rwanda Outline I. Main Category A. Sub-category of the main one 1. Support/Details for sub-category a. More specific examples for support b. More specific examples for support 2.Support/Details for sub-category B. Sub-category 2 of the main one 1. 2. II. Racial tensions A. Hutu 1. Interahamwe 2.Killed 800,000-1,000,000 Tutsi B. Tutsi 1. Rwandan Patriotic Front 2. Pogroms