5 Ways Geographers think about the World Space: geographers observe regularities across the Earth and depict them on maps Place: geographers describe unique locations of everything on Earth Regions: geographers identify areas of the world formed by distinctive combinations of features Scale: geographers understand how each place is unique and yet also similar to other places Connections: geographers explain relationships among places and regions across space
What is a map? Examine some of the images on the following slides. Are they maps?
So, Have you decided yet? According to your textbook: “A map serves two purposes: a tool for storing reference material and a tool for communicating geographic information.” p.7 Do these maps tell us geographic information, or where to find something? Do they tell us something about the area that is being mapped?
YES All of the images, though from vastly different sources, with vastly different uses are maps. First, we will look at each image and see WHY it is a map. Then, we will look at some maps made in the past few thousand years
Emmett’s map of Disney World (okay- it still needs labels to be a TRUE map, but he can’t write!) This image, drawn by a 4 year old stores both reference material and geographic information. If he could spell, and there were labels, it would be more convincing! Black = scary ride (Pirates, Peter Pan) Green= good ride (Tree House, Buzz Lightyear is the largest one, his favorite!)
Ga-Sur 2500 B.C. This is the oldest know map, drawn on a clay tablet in Ancient Babylon. The line drawing is a clearer image of the map, which explains the position of the town on a river, in a valley.
What makes this a map? You are likely most familiar with this sort of image, from Mapquest. Why is it a map? Reference Material? Geographic information? Both?
The London Underground The “Tube” map from London is one of the most famous maps from the 20 th century. The color coding and geometric lines make reading the map and riding the tube very simple. However, it is a TERRIBLE indicator of where things are on ground level!
Catal Hyuk 6200BC
Posidonius BC
Mosaic of Palestine 565 AD
10 th century Bede
1109 Beatus
Catalan 1375 (Europe)
Catalan 1375 (Asia)
Ch’onhado 18 th century China
Ptolemy 1482
Roselli 1508
Mercator 1569
Mercator (North America)
Scale: Meaning #1 The size/scope of places being studied Local Global Think in terms of local issues vs regional, national, or global issues
Scale: Meaning #2 Shows the ratio of distance and area on Earth to the distance and area on a map Example: one cm on map equals 1 km Representations: –proportional fraction (1/100,000) –ratio (1:100,000) –bar scale –verbal statement
Opposite meaning of “scale” A large-scale map shows a small area A small-scale map shows a larger area A scale of 1/5,000 is a large-scale map compared to a scale of 1/1,000,000.
Projections The scientific method of transferring locations on the Earth’s surface to a flat map. This causes distortion. Types of distortion are: –Shape –Distance –Relative size –Direction
Types of Projections: Mercator
Mercator Projection Shows no curves - all straight lines exaggerates the size and distorts the shape of areas far from the equator. –Greenland is presented as being roughly as large as Africa, when in fact Africa's area is approximately 14 times that of Greenland. –Alaska is presented as being slightly larger in size than Brazil, when Brazil's area is actually almost 5 times that of Alaska. At equator direction is true, but at latitudes higher than 70° north or south, the Mercator projection is practically unusable.
Types of Projections: Robinson
Robinson Project Uninterrupted The meridians curve gently, avoiding extremes and stretch the poles into long lines instead of leaving them as points. –Hence distortion close to the poles is severe but quickly declines to moderate levels moving away from them Good for showing ocean topics, but land masses are smaller
Mercator Robinson
Equal Area Projections (such as Goode’s holosine)
Equal Area Projections (Goode’s) Fig 1-2 in textbook Interrupts the oceans Tucks Australia and NZ farther west than reality Land masses look larger than oceans Minimizes distortion in shape of land masses and the size of one in relation to another
Land Ordinance of 1785 Township Principal meridians Base lines sections
Types of Maps Choroplethic –Uses choropleths, or existing (political) units Isometric –Uses isolines, or data lines (such as contours) Symbolic –Proportional representation, located charts, etc. Cartograms Or a combination of the above
Isometric Map: Spatial Diffusion of College Soccer
Isometric Map: Time-Space Compression
Topographic Map (using elevation contour isolines)
Dot Density (or Dot Distribution) Each dot represents a measurement unit distributed randomly inside the territorial unit (a postal code for example.)
Graduated (or Proportional) Symbol Map: AIDS victims
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data-driven systems Allows merging (comparison) of data using layers of information on a map. Fastest growing area of geographic jobs Highly technical, centered in government and business
Mental Maps Mental (cognitive) maps of our geographical perceptions
New Yorkers’ View of the world.