Bend it like Beckham
Background The title comes from the football player David Beckham and his skill at scoring from free kicks by bending the ball past a wall of defenders. This film was written, directed, and produced by Gurinder Chadha, a British film maker who was grew up in India.
Summary An Indian girl, Jess, living in London, loves football and also has a real gift. The two obstacles: she is a girl and comes from a traditional Indian family. She has to make a choice between pursuing her dream to become a member of a football team and following the tradition with her Indian family.
M a i n C h a r a c t e r s Jesminder 'Jess' Bhamra A Sikh teenager living in Hounslow, west London Trying to be a “good” girl for her parents but infatuated with football Not bothered by her appearance and interested in ‘typical’ teenage girl activities Joining the football team without telling her parents Jesminder 'Jess' Bhamra A Sikh teenager living in Hounslow, west London Trying to be a “good” girl for her parents but infatuated with football Not bothered by her appearance and interested in ‘typical’ teenage girl activities Joining the football team without telling her parents Juliette "Jules" Paxton A daughter of an English couple and a local football team player Like Jess, shown to be ambitious but against her mother’s wish Having a crush on Joe Suspected that Jess and Jules involved in a lesbian relationship Juliette "Jules" Paxton A daughter of an English couple and a local football team player Like Jess, shown to be ambitious but against her mother’s wish Having a crush on Joe Suspected that Jess and Jules involved in a lesbian relationship
M a i n C h a r a c t e r s Joe An Irishman A coach of the Hounslow Harries Sympathizing with Jess because of having experienced racism from the English Falling love with Jess Joe An Irishman A coach of the Hounslow Harries Sympathizing with Jess because of having experienced racism from the English Falling love with Jess Tony A homosexual Pretending wanting to marry Jess who can go to America to play football Tony A homosexual Pretending wanting to marry Jess who can go to America to play football
Jules complements Jess in a number of ways both have trouble from their mothers both want to play football their names are similar
The Theme Gender Homosexual Tony Jess and Jules’ suspected ‘lesbian’ relationship Behavior Mrs. Bharmra - a gril no showing her legs in public Mrs. Paxton - wanting Jules to be more ‘traditinal’ Contemporary British-Asian Life Traditional Not just shown as an older, but Jess’ sister Modern Not just shown as the young, but Mr. Bharmra
M o v i e T r a i l e r Trailer mbObwStSQ mbObwStSQ Move Clip yUNk--qCk yUNk--qCk
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