Aussie has a minimum of 5 pairs of UGGs boots in her closet at all times. If u represents the number of UGGs in her closet, write an inequality for this.


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Presentation transcript:

Aussie has a minimum of 5 pairs of UGGs boots in her closet at all times. If u represents the number of UGGs in her closet, write an inequality for this scenario.

u ≥ 5

Jimmy just bought a new refrigerator on BLACK FRIDAY. It has a special meat drawer that can hold no more than 10 lbs of meat. Write an inequality for this scenario.

Let m = pounds of meat m ≤ 10

George the elf has c candy canes. George got into a scuffle with his sister. He ended up breaking 2 of the candy canes. He needs a minimum of 25 unbroken candy canes for his Christmas party. Write an inequality for the scenario.

Let c = unbroken candy canes c – 2 ≥ 25

Julia has $20 to spend on ice cream. Each ice cream cone is $2.75. Julia buys ice cream for her friends, f. She wants to have a minimum of $10 left in her wallet after she buys all of her friends ice cream. Write an inequality for this scenario.

20 – 2.75f ≥ 10

Evergreen Farms are selling Christmas trees. They must sell at least 100 trees to stay in business this year. The first week they sold 30 trees. The second week they sold 60 trees. The next week they sell t trees. Write an inequality to represent this situation.

Let c = trees sold 90+ c ≥ 100 Yes they will meet their goal

If the Evergreen Farms sells 15 trees will they stay in business? Yes they will meet their goal and exceed it by 5 trees