Examinations Planning: Monitoring, Evaluation and Support TVET College Strategic and Operational Planning DAY 1
CONTEXT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE To provide technical and vocational educational and training services by increasing quality and success in terms of the academic achievement of students MTSF Indicator: Percentage of college exam centres conducting national examinations and assessments in compliance with national policy Target: 100% Reporting timeframe: Annually
HOW TO ACHIEVE 100% COMPLIANCE DHET Management Plans Monitoring, evaluation and support Examinations and Assessment structure
DHET Management Plans Provides final outputs and timeframes per examination cycle Expand each departmental output into an examinations action plan – Add actions that will lead to achievement per output – Insert name of responsible college official – Insert timeframes per action
Monitoring, evaluation and support Departmental guidelines Standard operating procedures Examinations action plan Examinations officers
Examinations and Assessment structure – Data integrity – Compliance monitoring – Quality assurance ICASS standards (moderation) – Irregularities management – Security – Plans and control measures – Standard operating procedures
CONCLUSION Quality and integrity with which an institution conducts examinations and assessment practices impacts on the credibility of a qualifications Cannot leave the management, conduct and administration to chance
A NOTE ON CERTIFICATION College NC(V) Level 2NC(V) Level 3NC(V) Level 4 Number Entered Number wrote Number completed Certification rate (%) Number Entered Number wrote Number completed Certification rate (%) Number Entered Number wrote Number completed Certification rate (%)
CERTIFICATION (cont.) DEFINTIONS- Note 1 :The number of students who ENTERED, WROTE and COMPLETED included only those who were eligible to complete qualifications (part or full) during the 2013 academic year. Note 2 : “ Number Entered ” refers to the number of students who registered for the relevant examinations in 2013 and were eligible to complete the relevant qualifications during the 2013 academic year. This number excludes students who registered to write individual subjects but who were not eligible to complete the relevant qualifications in Note 3 : “ Number Wrote ” refers to the number of students who wrote the relevant examinations in 2013 and were eligible to complete the relevant qualifications during the 2013 academic year. This number excludes students who wrote individual subjects but who were not eligible to complete the relevant qualifications in Note 4 : “ Number Completed ” refers to the number of students who were eligible to complete and successfully completed the relevant qualifications in the 2013 academic year. This number excludes students who may have passed individual subjects but were not eligible to complete the relevant qualifications in Note 5 : “ Certification rate ” refers to the number of students who successfully completed qualifications in the 2013 academic year, expressed as a percentage of the number of candidates who were eligible to complete qualifications and wrote the examinations (the latter is defined above) in Note 6 : Eligible to complete a qualification is not determined by the number of subjects offered in an exam cycle during the 2013 year, but by whether through writing subjects during any of the exam cycles conducted in 2013 a candidate would have been deemed to have completed the qualification if s/he had made up the quota of subjects required for the qualification in an exam cycle in For example, a candidate who wrote Level 2 in 2012 and failed only Mathematics Level 2 in the November exams would be eligible for certification on Level 2 in 2013 when writing Mathematics Level 2 in the November 2013 exams despite the fact that s/he did not offer all 7 Level 2 subjects in This note still needs some work.
CERTIFICATION (cont.) CANDI DATE A4311 B2222 C 4311 D 43 E 4132 F21 REPORT 190/1 BUSINESS STUDIES – N6