Emigration behavior of resident and anadromous juvenile O. mykiss: exploring the interaction among genetics, physiology and habitat Sean Hayes, Chad Hanson,


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Presentation transcript:

Emigration behavior of resident and anadromous juvenile O. mykiss: exploring the interaction among genetics, physiology and habitat Sean Hayes, Chad Hanson, Morgan Bond, Devon Pearse, Andrew Jones, Carlos Garza, Bruce MacFarlane

Small watershed (75km 2 ) 23km of stream accessible to anadromous fish “native” resident fish above barriers Small hatchery Dynamic flow regime (28m 3 s -1 to 0.1m 3 s -1 ) Small Estuary (closes seasonally) Scott Creek Map: Rob Schick, NMFS

Scott Creek O. mykiss life history strategies Ocean upper watershedestuary/lagoon Upstream resident Mature in estuary (never enter ocean)

x x x 3 km Adult weir Instream PIT tag readers Scott Creek X= barrier Seine, hook & line, and electrofishing Smolt trap

Resident populations “diverged” >100 yrs ago Big Creek Adults Weir Adults Lagoon Juveniles 60 Hatchery Juveniles Scott Creek Adults 76 Mill Above Big Creek, Boyer Big Creek Above 68 Scott Creek Above Neighbor-Joining distance tree, with bootstrap values for supported nodes Do rainbow trout and steelhead differ?

x x x ? Proportion of fish assigned to Resident or Anadromous ancestry by habitat 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Above Barrier UpstreamSmolt trapEstuary Anadromous Resident

Genotype distribution in upper watershed Fork length Frequency Resident (n=128) Anadromous (n=209)

Emigration rate from above anadromy barrier 400 fish PIT tagged above 2.3 % over the falls 1.8 % detected at smolt trap

Na + K + -ATPase Physiology ?

Upstream samples Month ATPase Resident Anadromous Na + K + -ATPase Physiology ATPase Frequency Resident Anadromous

Why do wild fish migrate at such small sizes? Fork Length (mm) Frequency Typical steelhead smolt size distribution

Lagoon- Sand Bar Closed (July-Dec.) Estuary- Open to Ocean (Jan.-June) Does estuary serve as nursery habitat? (Morgan Bond’s thesis)

Is the estuary a nursery? Ocean upper watershedestuary/lagoon 85% of returning adults use estuary pathway Size threshold for ocean survival

What happens when water quality degrades? 3 km >45% detected moving Upstream each fall (probably >90%)

Size of recaps at smolt trap in spring Fork Length Frequency Upstream Estuary (previous summer) X

A tale of two watersheds Functional estuary present No estuary available Year 1 Year 2Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (in Central California…)

Acknowledgements Funding NMFS DFG FRGP NURP California Sea Grant Land Owner support Big Creek Lumber Company The Wilson Family Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project Cal Poly Swanton Ranch Lockheed Martin

Implications of resident trout studies Should residents be counted in steelhead populations for delisting criteria? Residents may become steelhead, but this probably happens at low frequencies Results of resident contribution to anadromous breeding pending

Estuary Environmental Conditions “Lethal” levels

Influence of genotype on migration behavior To sea or not to sea? Genotype Frequencies UpstreamSmolt trap Frequency Resident Anadromous

Typical spring downstream migrant (smolt?) After 5-6 months rearing in estuary 100mm Steelhead in Scott Creek 85% of returning adults use estuary pathway

Fork Length (mm) at Trap Big smolts are less likely to stay Probability of recapture <

Conclusions Central Coast steelhead adapt for estuarine use Steelhead strategies without estuary Longer upstream rearing Fewer smolts, reduced anadromy?

Density-dependent Estuary Growth in Steelhead

Implications for Local Rivers Larger river- may have more rearing capacity= larger smolts upstream BUT… is there enough water? Estuary issues –Breaching –Estuary size reduced? –Enough flow to connect with watershed?

Lagoon fish move upstream in the fall and then back down in spring >45% lagoon fish detected moving upstream

Escapement  Early 20th century spawning population was 4-10 times larger

Why is estuary growth so good? (Jeff Harding’s diet studies) Lots of food! Diet consists of Corophium and Eogammarus sp.

But where does food come from? Upper watershed growth poor Insect diet Low flow Low light – low nutrient input into estuary

Hypothesis- Nutrient flow from marine derived nutrients (kelp) enhances productivity (Alison Collins senior thesis) TerrestrialMarine 13 C and 15 N from Juvenile Steelhead  13 C (0/00) +/- SD  15 N (0/00) +/- SD Juv. Steelhead - Lagoon Juv. Steelhead - Above Fall Adult Steelhead Coastal Marine Fish

Why don’t all fish recruit to the estuary?