OBJECTIVES. To minimize unemployment across the globe.Equipping members financially for life. Providing a fair trade for products. To link local producers to global market
ABOUT (KF) Kelcom foundation appears in two fold, a group of young network marketing brains, who would like to minimize unemployment and equipping members financially & finding equilibrium in society. We are a team of network marketers with the main objective of reducing the rate of unemployment in our society. We believe every man or women should have a fair share, live a normal and responsible life and this can be achieved through financial empowerment. We are a private organization that seeks to enhance the living standard and provide a good market base for poor rural women who are the main producers and manufactures of local handmade artifacts in the region. These women spend good time and energy to create beautiful products for the local market but are cheated and not paid fair prizes for their products. Kelcom foundation seeks to link local poor rural women producers to the international market so as to provide them with fair prizes for their products.
BRONZE INVESTMENT PLAN Entry fee $50 5% referral bonus
KELCOM FOUNDATION SERVICES 1. BONUS: For each direct person you bring on board, kelcom foundation credits your account with instant bonus 5% 10%
KELCOM FOUNDATION SERVICES 2. EARNINGS : Kelcom foundation rewards your hard work with lots of cash, in any currency.
KELCOM FOUNDATION SERVICES 3. BUY/SELL ONLINE Kelcom foundation is also giving every member the opportunity to make an extra amount of money by buying or selling online. Are you a developer, a businessman/woman, a craft person, designer or what ever you are into. There is an opportunity for you to buy/sell your products online through our E- commerce/product page.
KELCOM FOUNDATION SERVICES 4. FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT As a member of KF, they look into what you can do. Instruct you and get you moving, thereby helping you achieve your dream(s). KF Empowers Widows, Street Girls and orphans to produce beautiful handmade artifacts like Smock, sandals, shoes, belt, baskets, clothes, rings, beads, door mats, hand bags, travelling bags,etc. These products are sold locally and internationally through our e -commence store and the proceeds paid fairly to these women. Members can also sell their products online through Kelcom foundation
BOARD MOVEMENT & EARNINGS BRONZE PLAN Newbie $20 Associate $50 Senior Associate $85 Senior Master $450 Master $350 Senior Trainee $250 Trainee $150 Director $550 Senior Director $650 Executive Director $750 Minister $850 Prime Minister $950 Trustees $1,200 Ambassador $1,500 Global Ambassador $2,000 Final
NEWBIE’S BOARD (BRONZE PLAN) AMY pays $50 and joins Bronze plan She refers ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH AMY cycles out of newbie’s board and receives her first $20 + $7.5 referral bonuses Board splits into 3 parts to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board. Each must also refer 3 people to cycle out AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
ASSOCIATES BOARD (BRONZE PLAN) AMY cycles out of Associates board and receives $50 Board splits into 3 parts to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board,. Each must also refer 3 people to cycle out. AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
SENIOR ASSOCIATES BOARD (BRONZE PLAN) AMY cycles out of Senior Associates board and receives $85 Board splits into 3 parts to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board. Each must also refer 3 each people to cycle out AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
SILVER INVESTMENT PLAN Entry fee $100 Referral bonus 10%
BOARD MOVEMENT & EARNINGS SILVER PLAN Newbie $40 Associate $100 Senior Associate $150 Senior Master $500 Master $400 Senior Trainee $300 Trainee $200 Director $650 Senior Director $800 Executive Director $1,000 Minister $1,200 Prime Minister $1,400 Trustees $1,700 Ambassador $2,000 Global Ambassador $3,000 Final
NEWBIE’S BOARD (SILVER PLAN) AMY pays $100 and joins Bronze plan She refers ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH AMY cycles out of newbie’s board and receives her first $40 + $30 referral bonuses Board splits into 3 parts to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board,. Each must also refer 3 people to cycle AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
ASSOCIATES BOARD AMY cycles out of Associates board and receives $100. Board splits into 3 parts to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board,. Each must also refer 3 people to cycle out AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
SENIOR ASSOCIATES BOARD (SILVER PLAN) AMY cycles out of Senior Associates board and receives $150. Board splits into 3 to form 3 new boards with ANN, MARTHA & CRUSH heading a board. Each must also refer 3 people to cycle out AMY CRUSH ANN MARTHA
HOW TO GET STARTED 1.Visit 2.Click on join/register 3.Enter your sponsor id 4.Fill all details 5.Choose pay plan 6.Make a payment based on your chosen plan 7.Submit form 8.login into your dashboard 9.After payment you are advised to introduce this business to at least 3 people. The more people you refer the more money you make and the faster you cycle out from one board to the other 10.A negative thinkers sees a difficulty in every opportunity, A positive thinker sees an opportunity in every difficulty. Take responsibility for your finances or get to taking orders for the rest of your life. You’re either a master of money or slave to it. The choice is yours.
NGO SERVICES. Kelcom foundation currently supports 45 widows & street girls across Africa.. Support training are given to these women to engage in active production ventures. Financial assistance is merited out to them monthly. Girls of school going age are sent back to school with support from kelcom foundation
ART WORK Buy their products/donate to support theses women via
ART WORK Buy their products/donate to support theses women via
SAMPLE OF FINAL PRODUCTS Buy their products/donate to support theses women via VISIT
CONTACT US website:
COME ON BOARD NOW The richest people in the world look for and build Networks. Everyone else looks for work” Robert Kiyosaki. JOIN TODAY