Welcome to Curriculum Night 2012 Your children are the high school graduates of 2025
The First Few Weeks… Functioning in a classroom setting Adjustment to school routines Understanding of “school language” Emphasis on listening and following directions
Environment Lifeskills: Emphasis on friendship, responsibility, respect, initiative, and problem solving Focus on Positive behavior Value of self/others Positive self image promotes learning
Development of the Whole Child All children start kindergarten with a variety of experiences. Previous formal educational Large group setting Listening and following directions Our focus is to develop the WHOLE child. Which begins with…
… Emotional and Social Development Kindergarten is the foundation of your child’s learning experience. They learn how to … be a student. be a part of a classroom community. share and get along.
Academic Development Every child has their own learning style. We offer a variety of methods to accommodate all of the different learning styles. Audio Visual Physical Kinesthetic
Fine and Gross Motor Skills Fine motor: Through writing, coloring, cutting, etc. (pencil grip) Gross motor: PE and recess
Curriculum Opening: Attendance, calendar, tally, number line, counting, place value, patterns, weather graph, tooth graph, poems, rhymes, flash cards with numbers and words.
Curriculum Reading: (Harcourt) Morning Message, Phonemic Awareness, Sharing Literature, Early Literacy Skills & Application, Reading Groups, Daily Journals. Whole group and small group differentiated instruction. Math: Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley, Investigations and Cognitive Guided Instruction. Begins with manipulatives and progresses to pencil and paper activities along.
Curriculum Centers: Students participate in a variety of centers during the week. Centers are self managed and based upon objectives taught earlier in the day or week for reinforcement. Writing Activities: Individual and class books, sight word book, journals, dictation, story starters, spelling, and nursery rhymes. Integrated Units: Peter Pockets Parsons (shapes), Lines, Lines, Lines (animal families), Indians, Nutrition, America The Beautiful!, Oceans, Zoos (animal habitats, wild/tame, herbivorous/carnivorous/omnivorous), Plants, Farms, and Community Helpers.
Specials Music (45 min. once a week) P.E. (45 min. once a week) Library (45 min. once a week) Computer Lab (30 min. once a week) Art (45 min. once a week)
Behavior Plan Reinforce positive behavior… Star Jar Challenger Cheers Miss Manners School store Challenging behavior… Think walking Lifeskill Timeout If necessary phone calls home and/or office referrals
Special Services Speech/Language Resource Both are available to every child. We will contact if it is necessary. SEI – Structured English Immersion
Testing Reading Readiness Language Test DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) state mandated reading test –Given three times a year, fall, winter and spring Cognitive Guided Instruction (CGI) Continual assessments of curriculum skills
Progress Reports Conferences: Fall and Spring Report Cards: January and May
Homework 3-4 times a week It should take minutes Reinforces skills Teaches children responsibility and accountability
Absences Please make sure to call and report absences to the office first. Absence line Request homework
Keeping Us Informed Make sure your emergency and contact information is current. To ensure your child’s safety please keep us informed of any changes regarding dismissal. Changes need to be in writing. We can only release your child to people listed on their emergency card.
Birthdays Invitations –NO birthday invitations at school –This is a district policy, Please do not ask me to do so! Thanks Goodies –There are no edible treats. –May bring pencils, erasers, stickers to pass out at the END of the day. –Donate a book to the library
Nutrition Snacks –Small and healthy –Consumed within 5 minutes –Water ONLY Lunches –Can pay ahead and online –Lunch money in pencil pouch –Checks- write student’s & teachers name
Important “Stuff” “Things Kids Say” Star Student –May bring in items to share during their week Events –Thanksgiving Feast –Nutrition Party –Friendship Party –Field Trips –End of Year Celebration
Parent Volunteers Classroom Event Parents Art Masterpiece Parent Readers –Sign ups will be sent home the month before.
Enjoy Mr. Fallgatter’s presentation in the Library! Beginning at 6:10