Introduction Throughout design there has been many influential designers that have changed the way people view the world. In class we have looked at whole decades of designs but some designers were revolutionary and invented a theme of their own or focused on one piece that has become a design icon.
task Use the internet and the suggestions list to select one designer that inspirers your work. Create a 3 page factfile that examples who the designer is and what work they produced. On a piece of A4 paper come up with a design for a product that is influenced by your designer and explain in detail how you have incorporated their ideas.
Harry Beck Harry Beck was an English technical draftsman best known for creating the present London Underground Tube map in Beck drew up the diagram in his spare time while working as an engineering draftsman at the London Underground Signals Office. London Underground was initially sceptical of Beck's radical proposal, an uncommissioned spare-time project, but tentatively introduced it to the public in a small pamphlet in It was immediately popular, and the Underground has used topological maps to illustrate the network ever since.
My design I have used aspects of the London underground design to design a interesting alphabet. I have used the typical dots and used irregular lines to build each letter of the alphabet. I could develop this further by adding in bright bold colours like on the map.
Other suggestions James Dyson – revolutionary functional product design Arne Jacobsen – futuristic curvy design (egg chair) John S.Pemberton – coca-cola branding Kenichiro Ashida – revolution of gaming (Nintendo Wii) Jonathan Ive – Apple’s Designer Alessi – Iconic product designer Memphis – iconic furniture designer Coco Chanel – fashion designer Gorgio Armani – fashion designer Harry Beck – London underground map designer