ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL BPSS and Service Panels Santa Cruz, CA E Anderssen LBNL
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Service Structures and Beampipe Support Package design of Insertable Pixel System –Pixel system is integrated into train of services –Service Supports and Beampipe supports integrated together in Forward Region –Joined together to Form “PACKAGE” –Assembly of Package on surface is largely European responsibility Key Cost Points –Beampipe Supports are a new Pixel responsibility—not fully approved by US Atlas, but fully accepted as absolutely required— NO WBS in Pixel estimate –Only limited Service Panel Prototyping occurred in FY03—shift mockup/system testing to ‘04 –Design changes increased cost of service structures and integration responsibilities are increased(ing) –UNCOSTED: Environmental cooling/sensors; 1/8-Barrel System test in ’04 (completely ignored this) Assumptions –MT Staffing for BP and Service Supports is Shared with PST, will ramp up when Sectors finish –BP support budget will come from US Atlas—does not come from current pixel budget
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Patch Panel 0 Service Panels SCT Barrel TRT Forward Side CSide A Service Panels Pixel Detector TRT Forward
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL “Package” Beam Pipe Support Structure Pixel Detector Not Shown Beam Pipe Service Panels
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Service Panel with PP0 and PP1 Quarter panel Cooling connections Electrical Connections Opto cards, fibers and fiber connections Service Support along PST Regenerative Heat Exchanger integrated in service quarter panel (SQP) Supports PP1 during assembly
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL 2 Hit Service Quarter Panel Inner Panel not installed, but need to know far enough in advance to ‘adjust’ lengths of B-Layer and Disk Type 0 Cables Service Quarter Panel Structure—Back Bone and Arms shown Back Bone Tube Support Arms
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL PP0 2-Hit installed on BPSS Disk/B-Layer not assembled (Inner Panel) Support condition not changed—last armature supports end of Outer Panel Inner panel supported on tabs placed on BPSS Assembly
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL BPSS Supports Service Panels Primary interface to BPSS is ‘Longeron’ Adequate clearance for beampipe wire given by cooling tubes BPSS Adjustor fits through PP1 QP, which is integrated with SQP Interface blocks along longeron for SQP ribs Mate with Tube Support Arms Mount tabs on Barrel Cruciform support Inner service panel
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL PP1 Part of SQP Assembly—tight interface with BPSS Routing of tubes through PP1 set to minimize variety of tubes (same bend profile) Sets of Tubes shared per octant BPSS Adjustor, and support strut align with SQP during assembly Gap between tubes (anti-clocked with adjustors) allows for access to Opto connector(s) SQP Backbone not shown—sits in ‘rail cutout’
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL PP0—Interface to Detector Services PP0 is detector end of SQP Assembly 2 hit system has ~6 less PP0 flexes per octant which is number of flexes on inner panel Inner panel carries Disk and B-layer services (nominally) Can be ‘de-scoped’ but requires decision deadline prior to fabrication of type 0 cables for disk and b- layer, or deciding now to fabricate these ‘long’
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Service Panel Numerology
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Cooling Tubes Heat Exchanger integrated into Service Panel Requires close- coupling of inlet and outlet (supply/exhaust) tubing within the panel Design and routing requires ~5 different bend profiles—these are combined in various ways to get all combinations of tubes Cost of Bending tubes in SQP assy estimate—tubing and fittings in cooling tube estimate
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Heat Exchanger Units (Type 1 Tubing run) Tube units are pre- assembled into Heat Exchangers Tube units are held in service panel support structure Blue unit is for Barrel Red unit is for Disk Units are loaded as required by service modularity
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL PPO Electrical/Structural Prototype
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Beampipe Support Frame Wires at Z=-848,+848 Fixed Adjustors (no spring) Top and Side Sprung Adjustors Side and bottom (tension limiters) Wire Adjustors Cruciform supports Longerons Service panel Attachment points Reinforcing Longerons, Attach Points to PP1 2 Frames – 1 A Side, 1 C Side Single Frame Shown Here 4 Support Wires, 1 Support Plane
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Beam Pipe Collars Split Conical Ring Allows Free Placement in Z Wire Anchor Point Kapton Heater Aerogel Insulation No longer delivered—saves ~$25k
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Adjustor/Tension Limiter Preload Adjustor Barrel Limiter Spring Wire Adjustor Screw Wire Adjustor Nut Wire Collet & Nut Wire Tension Limiter Plunger Wire Guide
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Schedule Delivery for Beampipe Support and Service panels follows roughly the delivery of the frame components –Delivery January ‘05 Delivery of Beampipe supports may be requested earlier—need to define actual date in conjunction with Beampipe group PRR for BPSS complete in FY ’03, production design complete EDIA in ’04 is for fixture ‘adjustments’, mfg procedure definition, and production oversight. Service Panels may be required earlier subject to testing requirements as yet undefined Prototype Service panel(s) required for System Test in 2 nd QTR FY03 Left in from last year—shifted to 2 nd QTR ’04 Service Panel PRR in Dec ‘03
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Costs for Service Panels/Supports ETC03 to ETC04 Increase of ~$84k Due to Schedule Delay and increased Complexity Production moved from FY03 to FY04— materials purchased ‘03 Prototyping (mockup) still required, shifted to ’04, may still happen in ’03 (24k+15k) Labor is.8 FTE in ’04 Did not estimate ‘auxilliary cooling/env sensors/opto-cooling
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Costs for Beampipe Support Added responsibility to Pixel Project—budget to come from Lissaeur’s integration WBS Renamed ‘prototype’ to first production unit, built 1-d prototype for April FDR EDIA is less than initial Estimate No Foreseen cost impact to finalized design Production delayed, engineering accelerated— no cost increase, but shift of all production cost to ‘04 Contingency would require Second ‘production’ structure to be fabricated Labor in ’04 is ~0.6FTE Some of this cost ‘decrease’ is a shift of cost to ‘Insertion’
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2003 ETC ‘04 E. Anderssen LBNL Manpower Needs over Mechanics ‘04 Manpower Requirements over all of Mechanics –PST ~0.6FTE –Service Panels ~0.8FTE –BPSS ~0.6FTE –Insertion ~0.1FTE –Sectors assumed ‘half an FTE’ in ’04 Manpower is ~2.6FTE Seems that this is possible with manpower available, but neglects inefficiency of task switching, PHASING Also, assumes that all tasks completed in FY’04, some can trickle into 1 st QTR FY’05 Does not include Manpower for PP1, Frame Assy, Installation/Dry fit