Financing Quality Preschool in Illinois Presentation to the National Governor’s Association Orlando, Florida December 15, 2003 Jerry Stermer, President
“I am announcing a new initiative that will provide preschool for every at-risk child in our state. In an ideal world, preschool for every child would begin tomorrow.” -- Gov. Rod Blagojevich State of the State Address March 2003
Illinois’ Goal for Quality Preschool All children will be healthy, eager to learn and ready to succeed by the time they enter kindergarten -- Early Learning Illinois campaign
The goal of the Illinois Early Learning Council is “to fulfill the vision of a statewide, high-quality, accessible and comprehensive early learning system to benefit all young children whose parents choose it.” -- Illinois State Statute The Illinois Early Learning Council
1 figure = 20, and 4-year-olds State preK Head Start Child care PreK special ed Still to enroll Home, nursery school and other settings Illinois 3- and 4-Year-Olds
Illinois’ Building Blocks for Quality Preschool Program3- and 4-year- olds “Risk” factors Income guide- lines State $ Federal $ Local $ PreK (Early Childhood Education Block Grant) Yes NoX Optional PreK Special EdYes NoXX Optional Head StartYesNoYesX Optional Child CareYesNoYesXX Optional
Financing Quality Preschool in Illinois Categorical line item in State Board of Education budget Early Childhood Block Grant: $214 million for FY04 (11% set-aside for birth-3 programs) School districts and community agencies administer program Certified teachers with B.A. degrees 2½ hour minimum program Early learning standards Integrated programs encouraged, facilitated
The Importance of Preschool in Illinois Funders: Trust for Early Education Pew Charitable Trusts McCormick Tribune Foundation Harris Foundation Joyce Foundation Advocates: Voices for Illinois Children Day Care Action Council of Illinois Ounce of Prevention Fund Chicago Metropolis 2020 Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Illinois
Many things can wait. The child cannot. Now is the time His bones are being formed, His blood is being made, His mind is being developed. To him, we cannot say tomorrow. His name is today. -- Gabriella Mistral, Nobel Laureate