9 th Grade Educational Career Planning Class of 2017
Senior Bio: Full Name (as you want it to appear in yearbook): Robert Michael Sullivan Nickname: Rob, Robbie Clubs/ Sports at LHS (include positions held) –JV soccer (9-10) –Varsity Soccer (11-12), Captain during senior year –Magic Club (10-12) –Spanish Club (9-12), Treasurer during senior year –NHS (10-12) Future Goals (I plan to pursue…): I am going to University of MD, College Park to study Environmental Science. I want to pursue a career in environmental conservation. Quote: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne
Steps to Senior Year Student A : 3.2 GPA, 150 SLH, Began an ultimate Frisbee team competition, Robotics club Vice President- went to National Competition for Robotics, Debate club member Student B: 3.6 GPA, 320 SLH, Mission trip to Haiti, Eagle Scout, Built an outdoor classroom for middle school pond club Student C: 2.8 GPA, 225 SLH, Lead in five school plays, Peer Facilitator, Marching Band Flag Line Student D: 2.5 GPA, 75 SLH, Created and ran landscaping business during summer break, Won third place in National Skills USA competition for CCCTC program Student E: 3.1 GPA, 120 SLH, Varsity Field Hockey Captain, Varsity Softball, Varsity Club Vice President Student F: 4.1 GPA, 75 SLH, National Honor Society, Debate Team County Champion, Cross country runner, Treasurer for Photography club
Questions: What surprised you about our winners? If these seniors could go back in time and do it all again, what else might they do to improve their chances? What does this activity show us about high school preparation for college?
The School Counseling Department Your School Counselors: Mrs. Hamilton (A- E) Mrs. Taylor (F- K) Mr. Putt (L- R) Mrs. Quinn (S- Z) Support Counselor- Mrs. Horneman Career Connections- Ms. Linfield Secretaries- Mrs. Seegren and Mrs. Costolo
Graduation Requirements 4 English English 9, 10, 11, 12 English 10 (HSA) Can take AP Lang (11) or AP Lit (12) 3 Social Studies Gov’t (HSA), US History & World History 4 Math- 2 paths Algebra I (HSA) (took in middle school) Intermediate Algebra Geometry Algebra II Must include a math during your senior year Conceptual Algebra (HSA) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Must include a math during your senior year 3 Science Conceptual Physics Chemistry I Biology (HSA ) 1 Fine Art 1 Technology Ed. Foundations of Tech or *PLTW 1 credit of Physical Ed. ½ Health ½ Financial Literacy (Grade 11-12) Or Managing Personal Finance Using Excel (1 cr) 2 World Language or 2 Advanced Technology and/or State approved completer program
Additional Graduation Requirements Students must PASS all High School Assessments- Algebra I, English 10, Biology, and Government exam. Students must complete 75 service learning hours Students must earn a minimum of 25 credits A minimum of 4 credits must be earned beyond the junior year Students must attend 4 years of high school beyond the 8 th grade
What are Completer Programs and Career Majors? Completer Programs: A series of courses in a specialized career area. Completers programs are available at LHS and the Career and Technology Center. CCCTC completer programs require an application during your sophomore year. Career Majors: Course sequences within a specific career cluster and pathway which enable a student to work toward a career option. You must complete courses in a career major to do an internship during your senior year. Dual Completer: when a student completes the requirements for admission to the University of Maryland system and a Career and Technology Education program of study!
Example of a completer program:
Example of a Career Major:
Completers and Career Clusters 6 different clusters: Arts Business Contact Business Operations Science Social Services Technical
Arts Cluster Do you: –Like art, music, drama, and other creative interests? –Like to display your imagination through artistic, literary, musical, or dramatic abilities? –Value esthetics and artistic qualities? –Prefer free, unstructured situations or unconventional ideas? –enjoy being an original thinker?
Arts Cluster- Visual, Creative, Performing, Written and Spoken Arts Completers –Print Production –Textiles and Fashion Careers –Video Production Majors –Drama –Graphic Communications –Humanities and Classical Studies –Industrial and Product Design –Music Performance –Visual Fine Arts
Business Contact Cluster Do you: –Like working with facts, numbers, data? –Contact with all kinds of people? –Speak and write clearly and accurately? –Work independently? –Like making decisions? If so, you should look at careers in this area!
Business Contact Completers -Honors Marketing ( LHS) Majors –Advertising –Hospitality and Tourism –International Business –Mass Communications –Public Relations
Business Operations Cluster Do you: –Prefer well ordered environments? –Like systematic verbal and numerical activities? –Enjoy working with tools, machines, and equipment? –Like a predicable work setting? –Prefer to work alone? –Perform work tasks to meet standards of accuracy? –Enjoy using math skills? –Like well-defined tasks?
Business Operations Completers –Accounting ( LHS) –Administrative Services ( LHS) –Business Administration and Management (LHS) –Computer Technology (Honors/ AP level) –Financial Services/Academy of Finance (WHS) Majors –Actuarial Science –Human Resources Management –Information Systems Management –Operations Management
Science Cluster Do you: –Have an aptitude in science, math, or social studies? –Have a curiosity about how things work? –Have the ability to gather and analyze data to solve problems? –Have an aptitude in working with computers? –Have a desire to help people resolve medical and health related concerns? –Have an interest in politics, history, economics, or geography?
Science Cluster Completers –Academy of Health Professions: Surgical Tech, Nursing, Physical Rehabilitation, and Emergency Medical Technician –Agricultural Sciences (CASE) Animal Plant –Biomedical Sciences/ PLTW –Wildlife and Natural Resources ( LHS) Majors –Computer Science and Systems Analysis –Economics –Environmental Health –Food and Nutrition Science –History –International Studies –Life Sciences –Mathematics –Physical Science –Social Science
Social Science Cluster Do you: –Get along with a wide variety of people? –Enjoy sharing ideas with others? –Enjoy helping others learn new things or acquire information? –Enjoy reading about or studying how society works and the interactions of individuals or groups of people? –Enjoy providing service to other people?
Social Science Cluster Completers –Cosmetology –Culinary Arts –Homeland Security (Criminal Justice) –Early Childhood Education ( LHS) –Education- Middle and High School/ Teacher Academy of MD –Emergency Services –Food Service and Hospitality Majors –Family and Consumer Studies –Law and Legal Studies –Library and Media –Social Work –Sports and Recreation –Urban and Regional Planning
Technical Cluster Do you: –Have an understanding of cause and effect? –Have problem solving and math skills? –Enjoy working with tools and equipment? –Perform work tasks to meet standards of accuracy? –Have mechanical ability? –Have manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination? –Have the ability to form mental images of objects or structures from drawings?
Technical Cluster Completers –Auto Service Technology –Building Maintenance –Carpentry –CISCO Networking –Collision Repair Technology –Drafting –Electrical Construction –Engineering (Project Lead the Way) –Heating Air Conditioning –Heavy Equipment and Truck Technology –Manufacturing and Machine Technology –Masonry –Welding
Career & Technology Center Programs Very competitive Looking for: –Good grades- at least 2.0 GPA –Good attendance-94% –Course work- relevant to program –Meet pre-requisites for program –Can visit CCCTC to look at programs more closely Applications in School Counseling Office, mailed home in Fall of 10 th Grade Open House- October 16, 2013 at CCCTC
Course Planning As you plan courses to take, keep in mind… –Level of courses (Academic, Honors, AP) –Your interests –Pre-requisites –Course descriptions- use the Program of Studies!!!
Levels for Courses Basic (L1) Academic (L6) Articulated (L7) –(L7 related to a career & tech completer) Honors (L8) AP & Transcripted (L9)
Graduation Requirements 4 English English 9, 10, 11, 12 English 10 (HSA) Can take AP Lang (11) or AP Lit (12) 3 Social Studies Gov’t (HSA), US History & World History 4 Math- 2 paths Algebra I (HSA) (took in middle school) Intermediate Algebra Geometry Algebra II Must include a math during your senior year Conceptual Algebra (HSA) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Must include a math during your senior year 3 Science Conceptual Physics Chemistry I Biology (HSA ) 1 Fine Art 1 Technology Ed. Foundations of Tech or *PLTW 1 credit of Physical Ed. ½ Health ½ Financial Literacy (Grade 11-12) Or Managing Personal Finance Using Excel (1 cr) 2 World Language or 2 Advanced Technology and/or State approved completer program
Planning for 4 year colleges Keep your grades up- if you are struggling, talk to your teacher, advisor, or counselor. Take higher level courses, above and beyond the graduation requirements. Get involved- join clubs, sports, fine arts programs. Take on leadership roles. Do community service. Start researching schools on
Are there any questions? Ask away! Visit the School Counseling page from the LHS Website for resources! – We will be meeting individually with all ninth grade students to review course selections.