Social Etiquette and Dining-In, Dining-Out
Warm-Up Questions CPS Questions 1-2 Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Lesson Overview Etiquette and manners in formal and informal settings Dining etiquette Handling social invitations Public courtesies Dining-In and Dining-Out Chapter 1, Lesson 6
(Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS) Quick Write What do you think are good rules and practices for courtesy and etiquette in the 21st century? Make a list of five specific things that you do to show courtesy and etiquette in your everyday life. (Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS) Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Etiquette and Manners Manners are based on: Kindness Respect Thoughtfulness Consideration Good manners are timeless Treat others the same way we want to be treated Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Social Introductions Introductions make everyone feel welcome and part of the group Should be simple, direct, and dignified Should be made automatically and immediately Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Introductions in Formal and Informal Settings A formal reception may include a receiving line A simple, pleasant greeting and a cordial handshake are all that is necessary In informal situations, you may be more casual Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Army Staff Sgt. Carlos M. Burger II/Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System
Methods of Making Introductions Speak names slowly and clearly Apologize and ask the person to restate their name if you forget Put your cell phone away Mention something of common interest to start a conversation Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Shaking Hands Whenever someone extends his or her hand to greet you, always extend your hand in return A proper handshake is brief, firm, and warm Maintain eye contact Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Activity 1: Making Introductions Introduce yourself with the proper verbal greeting and handshake When finished, rotate all the way around until you greet everyone Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Dining Etiquette Proper manners should be used whenever you dine Relaxed politeness is the key Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
POW-MIA Ceremony Solemn remembrance for the men and women in all five services who were prisoners of war and are missing in action Recognize the presence, in spirit, of those POWs and MIAs Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
A Formal Dining Table Setting Start with the outside piece and work inward The number of pieces of silverware indicates the number of courses Placement indicates the order of courses Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Proper Use of Silverware Hold the fork in your left hand, tines down Secure the food being cut with the knife in your right hand Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Other Rules for Dining Etiquette Eat soup and finger foods properly Use napkins for dabbing lips, catching spills, and covering sneezes Follow basic table manners Use conversation as an important part of social interaction Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Learning Check Questions CPS Questions 3-4 Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Social Invitations RSVP Call or send your reply within two or three days RSVP Regrets Only You are expected unless you notify that you cannot come Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
What Should You Wear? Formal Male cadets and male guests Females Informal Males Casual Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Thank-You Note Write a thank-you note within two or three days Be yourself in the note Use sincerity and simplicity Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Activity 2: Etiquette Learning Stations Create an etiquette learning station that teaches others about your topic and how to complete the task Visit the remaining stations to learn about the other tasks Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Learning Check Questions CPS Questions 5-6 Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Proper Netiquette It’s important to use proper netiquette Telephone Courtesy Cell Phones Text Messaging Email Netiquette Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Other Public Courtesies Assisting the Elderly and Disabled Opening Doors for Others Being Responsible for Your Guest Respect for Authorities and Senior Citizens Chewing Gum Waiting in Line Politeness Hygiene and Grooming Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
Activity 3: Public Courtesies Role-Play Create a role-play using one of the public courtesy topics showing courteous behavior Share your role-plays with the class Chapter 1, Lesson 6
The Dining-In and Dining-Out The Dining-Out and Military Ball are similar in tradition and activities The Dining-In is an occasion where ceremony and tradition combine with good fellowship Toasting is a universal custom Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of MSgt Dale C. Hanson II
The Military Ball Requires cadets to wear formal or semiformal service dress and guests to wear formal attire Careful planning is needed to ensure success Invitations should be sent out as early as possible Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Michael Wetzel/US Air Force JROTC
Learning Check Questions CPS Questions 7-8 Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Activity 4: Planning the Dining-Out Complete the worksheet to prepare for the Dining-Out committee meeting Gather in your groups to share and discuss your information Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Summary Etiquette and manners in formal and informal settings Dining etiquette Handling social invitations Public courtesies Dining-In and Dining-Out Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Review Questions CPS Questions 9-10 (Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS) Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Next…. Done – social etiquette and Dining-In, Dining-Out Next – note taking and study skills Chapter 1, Lesson 6 Photo Courtesy of Fotolia