20:3 The Business of America
Automobile Huge Spin off effect on economy: Roads, houses, gas stations, repair shops, motels, tourist camps, shopping centers, etc.
Pg. 629
Urban Sprawl Pg. 630
Lindberg baby kidnapping Trial of the Century
Consumerism Fueled by Radio Advertising
Electricity Powered factories Spread to suburbs Effect on factory production Effect on women
Modern Advertising Psychological appeals Slogans Brand names
21:1 Changing Ways of Life
Prohibition 18 th amendment Liquor cause of corruption Temperance organizations
Failure of the Volstead Act Funding Borders Home manufacture Legally used
Speakeasy “Hidden” saloons
Bootleggers Smugglers Cuba, West Indies, Canada
Organized Crime Al Capone/Scarface Chicago Empire St. Valentines Day massacre
1980s Scarface
Eliot Ness Department of Justice “The Untouchables” 1931 tax evasion
21 st amendment Prohibition caused more problems than alcohol consumption – Crime – Illness – Chart pg. 643