CPSC 233 Tutorial 1 January 19 th /20 th, 2015
Introduction Narges Zirakchianzadeh
Tutorial Structure 15 – 20 minutes discussion minutes tutorial exercise Occasional work period for assignments.
Java! Using Java 7 for this course JRE vs JDK JRE: J ava R untime E nvironment. Used to running Java programs. JDK: J ava D evelopment K it. Used to create and compile Java programs. ndex.html ndex.html Install JDK: world.html world.html
Java IDEs Eclipse Net Beans IntelliJ IDEA
Important Note 1 Regardless of how you write your code, your assignment submissions must be able to compile on these lab computers using the Java compiler.
Important Note 2 If you have IDE related questions, you are mostly on your own to solve them. We recommend using a basic text editor. Windows: Notepad++. Mac: TextWrangler. Available on App Store for free Linux: GEdit. Comes built in. Vim These text editors help with context highlighting.
Remote Access Access your CPSC account from home! You do not get a full GUI Test your assignment on the lab computers before submitting them.
Remote Access CPSC Servers: Windows: WinSCP: PuTTY: Mac / Linux: FileZilla:
Account Login Can you log in to these computers? If not, then go see the Help Desk (MS 151).