Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 1 Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 1

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 2

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 3

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 4

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 5

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 6

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 7

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 8

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 9

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 10

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 11

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 12

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 13

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 14

The hottest wedding trends of the season can be boiled down to one thing—NOT doing it by the book. 15

Happy marriage. 16

Happy marriage. 17

Happy marriage. 18

Happy marriage. 19

Happy marriage. 20

Happy marriage. 21

Happy marriage. 22

Happy marriage. 23

Happy marriage. 24

Happy marriage. 25

Happy marriage. 26

Happy marriage. 27

Happy marriage. 28

Happy marriage. 29

Happy marriage. 30

Happy marriage. 31

Happy marriage. 32

Happy marriage. 33

Happy marriage. 34

Happy marriage. 35

Happy marriage. 36

Happy marriage. 37

Happy marriage. 38

Happy marriage. 39

Happy marriage. 40

Happy marriage. 41

Happy marriage. 42

Happy marriage. 43

Happy marriage. 44

Happy marriage. 45

Happy marriage. 46

Happy marriage. 47

Happy marriage. 48

Happy marriage. 49

Happy marriage. 50

Happy marriage. 51

Happy marriage. 52

Happy marriage. 53

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 54

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 55

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 56

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 57

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 58

Happy Valentine's Day. 情人節快樂 59

李常生 Eddie Lee, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2/7/2014 All photos were taken from internet…etc. 60