1H, 1/2G, 2D
Clear and consistent communication helps support children in the classroom. Absences – notes are required for all absences. Late arrivals – can disrupt routine. Various strategies used in classrooms to reinforce behaviour both positive and negative.
To encourage independence and self esteem in your child, we would appreciate you saying “goodbye” at the gate and allowing your child to make their way to their class to put away their bag and then to sit down under the COLA and wait for the teacher on duty before playing. There is a teacher on duty from 8.45am every morning. Try not to arrive before this time. In the afternoon, try to arrange a meeting place at the school gate.
Diaries are issued to all students. Used as a communication tool. MUST come to school each day. May not be written in each day. Will be used for priority communication.
A4 plastic sleeve folder. Sent home on Monday and returned Friday. Child’s responsibility to complete some work each night. Do not stress if family commitments prevent homework being completed as we are flexible.
Home reading diaries have not yet been printed. These will be sent home as soon as we receive them. Please complete the home reading section on homework sheets. This can be transferred when diaries are received. Home readers go home in the note folder and can be returned when they have been read. Any book read can be recorded.
2D – Tuesday morning 11.55am. 1/2G – Wednesday mornings at 9.00 am. 1H – Wednesday mornings at am. Please encourage regular borrowing. Children need to ensure they return their books or a fee may be charged to cover replacement if lost. Premiers Reading challenge: Read 30 books between now and 1 st September. Books can be heard in class or borrowed from the Library. For more information see: The Premier issues a certificate to all students who complete the challenge.
Sports day is Friday morning. Children should wear sports uniform and joggers if possible. A hat is required for sport. Encourage good sportsmanship. Awards given for each week for good sportsmanship. Fundamental movement skills sessions are held on Monday afternoons.
All children should have received their White Licence Bronze Licence cards will be sent home on Friday for parents to sign. These cards are to be returned on Monday. Encourage children to be responsible for returning their card. Note: Homework is recorded on the card but is not counted towards their Licence.
Each child has a specific day for news. Please check Roster in your child’ class. We may choose topics related to our Theme “Celebrations”. Year 2 students may create a PowerPoint on topics they are interested in.
am each morning. Children are encouraged to bring fresh fruit. Please do not overfill lunch boxes with food as children sometimes think they are expected to eat it all.
Birthdays can be acknowledged at school if you wish. Cupcakes are easier for sharing.
These complement the Syllabus Designed to enhance your child’s learning and enjoyment at school. Sometimes a small fee is involved.
All children will be issued a username and password for Mathletics. This can be used at home as well as school. This year NO fee is payable to allow equity of access for ALL students. Mathletics will be used by all teachers as part of their Mathematics program.
School website at: All newsletters are now available online. Important notes are being uploaded as well.
Mrs Melvin takes all classes for Science. This term the children are learning about “Structures and Shelter”. In HSIE our unit is “Celebrations”. Encourage children to bring in photos etc of family celebrations. Term 2 unit will be “Transport”. An excursion will be organised around this topic and may include a visit to a museum. More details early next term.
School Hat. Water bottle. Paint shirt (old t-shirt is suitable). A4 plastic sleeve folder for homework (not 1H). Plastic A4 envelope for notes home and Home Readers. 2D require an extra plastic A4 envelope for under desk storage of work. Library Bags. Text Books. 2D – pencils and crayons may be brought in. NOTE: In 1H and 1/2G pencil cases are not required as pencils and crayons are supplied.
A box of tissues Baby wipes Gluesticks Clean margarine containers Clean Ice Cream containers Any spare magazines
We love having parents helping in our classrooms and your children do too! Individual teachers will send home a note for available days that you may be able to volunteer some of your time when class routines are established.
All Stage One teachers are working together this year to obtain the best outcomes for your children and to keep them connected socially with their peers. This may involve team teaching, children working in groups across the Stage and joining together for Sport and developmental activities.