Module 6 Unit 2 Poems -- A Few Simple Forms of English Poems
Teaching objectives By the end of the lesson you will be able to: tell the five simple forms of English poems and their characteristics; write a list poem or a cinquain, or translate a Tang poem into English.
What is your favorite poem or poem line, either in Chinese or English What is your favorite poem or poem line, either in Chinese or English? Why do you like it? If Winter comes, can Spring far behind? From Ode to the West Wind by Shelley
排排坐,吃果果, 幼儿园里朋友多。 你一个,我一个, 大的分给你,小的留给我。 Vocabulary teaching 排排坐 排排坐,吃果果, 幼儿园里朋友多。 你一个,我一个, 大的分给你,小的留给我。 nursery rhyme (n.童谣)
Vocabulary teaching There is a cottage (n.小屋).
Vocabulary teaching sparrow (n.麻雀)
Vocabulary teaching Subject (主语)+Verb (谓语)+Object (宾语) This is a simple sentence pattern (n.格式).
Vocabulary teaching 童谣 小屋 麻雀 格式 pattern sparrow nursery rhyme cottage
Vocabulary teaching abstract (抽象的) concrete adj.具体的 Their meanings are opposite. concrete adj.具体的
What the man said is contradictory (adj.矛盾的). Vocabulary teaching “任何东西都无法穿透我的盾! 我的矛很锋利,能穿透任何东西!” What the man said is contradictory (adj.矛盾的).
Vocabulary teaching seeker of truth follow no path all paths lead where truth is here The line length of this poem is flexible (adj.灵活的).
Vocabulary teaching 具体的 矛盾的 灵活的 flexible contradictory concrete
Vocabulary teaching B E C A D A. 旋转 B. 取笑 C. 等候 D. 说、讲 E. 变换 He used to tease me about my funny hair style. In some films, cars can transform themselves into robots. We are awaiting the next instruction. The wheel began to revolve. Having seen the exam result, he left without uttering a word. B E C A D A. 旋转 B. 取笑 C. 等候 D. 说、讲 E. 变换
A Few Simple Forms of English Poems
Fast reading The text looks at the following five forms of poems: ________________ Nursery rhymes List poems Cinquain Haiku Tang poems
Careful reading Forms Characteristics 1. A common type of __________ Nursery rhymes A common type of __________ poetry; Have strong _______ and a lot of __________; Seem ______________ but easy to _________ and _________. Children’s rhythm repetition contradictory learn recite
Careful reading Forms Characteristics 2. List poems One of the _________ kinds of poems; Have a ________ line length and ___________ phrases which give both a ________ and a _______ to the poem. simplest flexible repeated pattern rhythm
Careful reading Forms Characteristics 3. Cinquain A poem made up of _____ lines; Can be used to convey (vt.传达) a ________ picture. five strong
Careful reading Forms Characteristics 4. Haiku A ___________ form of poetry; Made up of _______ syllables (音节); Can give a ______ picture and create a ________ feeling. Japanese 17 clear special
Careful reading Forms Characteristics 5. Tang poems A ___________ form of poetry; A lot of them have been _____________ into English. Chinese translated vt.翻译
Analysis of three forms of poems The pattern of Poem B is: I saw… …
Analysis of three forms of poems Poem D Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine
Analysis of three forms of poems Poem H 望夫处,江悠悠。 化为石,不回头。 山头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语。
Writing exercises My mother She makes me take the rubbish out ; As soon as I go to my room, she turns on the TV and watches it. practice the piano turn off the TV and go to bed
Braying (嘶叫), _________, resisting Not wanting to _________ Writing exercises Mules (骡子) ___________, unmoving Braying (嘶叫), _________, resisting Not wanting to _________ __________. stubborn kicking obey people
_____________________________________ Writing exercises 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 _____________________________________ 天苍苍、野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。 Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. Under endless sky, on vast plains, cows and sheep can be seen when the wind blows and grass lowers.
Optional (可选择的) writing tasks Write a list poem Write a cinquain Translate a poem
Homework Please revise your poem and design it on a piece of A4-size paper on your computer. Print it out. We will put them up on the board.
Thank you!