Royal Society’s portfolio for Fellowship support Hans Hagen Senior International Grants Manager Imperial College 17 th July 2008
Role of the Royal Society: The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the UK and the Commonwealth dedicated to promoting excellence in science. The Society plays an influential role in national and international science policy and supports developments in science, engineering and technology in a wide range of ways. Thursday, 27 August
3 Royal Society 2010 Aims Invest in future scientific leaders and in innovation Influence policymaking with the best scientific advice Invigorate science and mathematics education Increase access to the best science internationally Inspire an interest in the joy, wonder and excitement of scientific discovery
Thursday, 27 August Volume of Royal Society funding 15 grant making schemes 10 UK Schemes 5 international Schemes 2300 awards in 07/08 of which nearly 600 were for long term individual support
Fellowship portfolio: UK Grants: University Research Fellowships Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Research Professorships Wolfson Research Merit Awards Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships Industry Fellowships International Grants: Newton International Fellowships, replacing all previously existing International Fellowships Thursday, 27 August
University Research Fellowships Deadline: around mid-October 2008 All science areas covered PhD and up to 1-3 postdocs EEA or Swiss citizen or connection to EEA (PhD or 2 year postdoc) Funding for 5 years initially, renewal for 3 more years possible, in exceptional cases for a final 2 years – funds salary, FeC costs + moderate Research Expenses Flexible, i.e. can be held part-time at times Fellowships cannot be held at Research Council Institutes 2007: 499 applications 123 short-listed 32 fellowships awarded (6.4% success rate) Thursday, 27 August
7 University Research Fellowships 313 in post applications new awards £500,000 over 5 years
Thursday, 27 August The Research Appointments Panels Panel Ai – maths and physics Professor Robin Marshall FRS Panel Aii – chemistry and engineering (Professor David Delpy FRS) Panel Bi – molecular and cellular biology (Professor Jim Smith FRS) Panel Bii – animal and plant systems (Biological Secretary)
Thursday, 27 August Panel split Applied Successful
Thursday, 27 August Hosts of award holders
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Deadline January/February 2009 (not yet fixed) All science areas covered EEA or Swiss citizen or connection to EEA (PhD or 2 year postdoc) Funding for 4 years, funds salary, FeC costs + moderate Research Expenses (£11k/year) Flexible, i.e. can be held part-time at times and time can be claimed backed up to maximum of 6 years Fellowships cannot be held at Research Council Institutes Early careers (straight after PhD or one or two postdocs) Extra funds for childcare at conferences Thursday, 27 August
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Aimed at female scientists at an early career stage, to reduce excellent women researchers dropping out of scientific careers – scheme currently under review Not a re-entry scheme Until 2007: applicant needed to demonstrate a ‘current need for flexibility’ e.g. Parental responsabilities Responsibilities as carer Serious health issues 2008: no requirement for ‘current need for flexibility’, but women were particularly invited to apply Thursday, 27 August
Aims to address one part of the ‘leaky pipeline’ Percentage of Female Academic Staff 2005/06 HESA Data Thursday, 27 August
Funding rates 2007 129 applications 47 short-listed 10 fellowships awarded (7.8%) 2008 239 applications 53 short-listed 12 fellowships awarded (5.0%) Thursday, 27 August
International Fellowship schemes: Previous Fellowship schemes for North-America and Asia discontinued Instead: Establishment of the Newton International Fellowship scheme Royal Society as the implementing body, in partnership with RAeng and BA Delivered on Society’s new e-GAP system Scientific remit: All areas covered by the three academies 50 awards per year, 100 fellows in post Thursday, 27 August
Objectives: To ensure the UK engages with the best post-doctoral researchers across all disciplines of natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities from around the world. To provide an opportunity for post-doctoral researchers at an early career stage from any country outside the UK to work at a UK research institutions. To foster long-term relations between Newton Fellows and the UK through the establishment of an alumni programme for former research fellows of this Scheme. Plus: Co-operation with RCUK Alumni Association Alumni website Newsletter Thursday, 27 August
Nature of the Newton International Fellowship: Level of support: £24,000 subsistence per year £8,000 research costs per year £2,000 relocation (one-off payment) Alumni support: up to £6,000 per year for up to ten years Aimed at early career post-doctoral researchers based outside the UK Duration: Two year tenure plus ten year alumni support Official launch event with DIUS: 4 th June 2008 First round: e-GAP2 available since 23 June 2008 Closing date: 4th August 2008 Thursday, 27 August
Newton International Fellowships - Website Thursday, 27 August
Selection procedures: Full application – eGAP2 Thursday, 27 August Eligibility check HumanitiesSoc. Sci.Engin. AEngin. BScience AScience B Final award committee: 6 chairs plus 3 FS
The new e-GAP2 online application system Thursday, 27 August
Many thanks! Hans Hagen Senior International Grants Manager The Royal Society Tel.: Thursday, 27 August