Chapter 6 Formal Assessment and Identification of the Student with Learning Disabilities
Multidisciplinary Team Process Identify a problem Parent/guardian gives permission for evaluation Formal assessments are completed
Members School Psychologist Special Educator Classroom teacher School Administer Others who know the child
Guidelines for Assessment Parent permission Native language Results are shared Refer to page 88 and Special Ed timeline
Determining IQ Should be free of cultural bias Refer to page 89-90
Visual Perception How the brain interpret what it sees Symptoms Reversal of numbers/letters Messy work Slow in copying Skipping of lines when rereading Difficulty remembering faces, names, and places
Auditory Perception Ability to process information received through auditory channel Symptoms Does not enjoy being read to Mispronounces common words Trouble repeating oral directions Relies on picture clues Looks at the speakers lips Poor receptive vocabulary
Memory Does not know personal information Knows only part of nursery rhyme Loses things Forgets things Cannot spell frequently used words
Academic Assessment Refer to page or more norm referenced, criterion referenced, or standardized tests Reading, math, written expression, spelling, daily work, observations
Observations Stick to the facts Tell what you see Record verbatim any answers or responses Time on task Be clear and explicit