A.Space Probes- a vehicle that carries scientific instruments to planets or other bodies in space. 1) The soviets were first to launch a probe.
B. Planetary exploration with space probes began with missions to the moon
1) Luna 1 (Soviet)- 1 st space probes to fly pass the moon
2) Pioneer 4 ( American)- probe to moon 2 months after Luna 1
C. The next targets of exploration were the inner planets: Venus, Mercury, and Mars
1) Venera 9 ( soviet)- 1 st probe on Venus 1975
2) Magellan (USA)- probe to Venus mapped the surface of Venus
3) Viking 1 and Viking 2 (USA) probes to Mars to look for signs of life
D. Outer Planet Exploration
1 ) Pioneer 10 (USA) – to study Jupiter and sample the solar wind- the flow of particles coming from the sun
2) Voyager 2- 1 st probe to fly by the 4 gas giant planets
E. Space-probe science has given us information about how planets form and develop, helping us to better understand our own planet Earth