RN 18 Sarnath = 18.6 Sculpture Bakshali = 18.8 Mathematics Meharauli = 18.7 Metalwork Nalanda = 18.3 Universities Ajanta = 18.5 Painting Pataliputra = 18.9 Roads Ujjain = 18.4 Literature
Sarnath: Sculpture Statues bronze, wood, stone, & terracotta Buddha, Hindu deities, famous people Stood on their own or on walls of caves & temples
Bakshali: Mathematics Hindu-Arabic numerals 1-9 Zero Decimal system Aryabhata – astronomer Days in a year, size of Earth Planets were spheres Earth spins on its axis
Nalanda: Universities Hindu or Buddhist Only males & teachers’ daughters religion, mathematics, astronomy chemistry, Sanskrit, sculpture, painting, music, dancing, logic grammar, medicine
Meharauli: Metalwork Engraved gold, copper coins Iron pillar at Meharauli 25 ft. tall 13,000 lbs
Ajanta: Painting Important part of the lives of nobles Deities, religious stories, royal families, luxury Most famous – Ajanta caves
Pataliputra: Roads Hard-packed dirt A few feet off the ground for drainage Signs of distance Helped internal trade Connected India to China & to the Mediterranean
Ujjain: Literature Poetry, fables, folktales, & plays The Puranas (“Ancient Lore”)– Hindu legends The Mahabharata (“Great Work”)– poem of Hindu values and battle b/t good and evil Bhagavad Gita (“Song of the Lord”) – poem describing basic truths of Hinduism
Sarnath: Sculpture Flat, farmland, heavy rain, hot, near Ganges Statues bronze, wood, stone, & terracotta Buddha, Hindu deities, famous people Stood on their own or on walls of caves & temples
Bakshali: Mathematics Hot, dry, rocky, surrounded by mountains Hindu-Arabic numerals 1-9 Zero Decimal system Aryabhata – astronomer Days in a year, size of Earth Planets were spheres Earth spins on its axis
Meharauli: Metalwork Flat, dry, hot & humid in summer, cold in winter Engraved gold, copper coins Iron pillar at Meharauli 25 ft. tall 13,000 lbs
Nalanda: Universities Fertile Ganges plain, hot, humid, heavy rain in wet season Hindu or Buddhist Only males & teachers’ daughters religion, mathematics, astronomy chemistry, Sanskrit, sculpture, painting, music, dancing, logic grammar, medicine
Ajanta: Painting Dry, flat land surrounded by mtns, hot humid summer Important part of the lives of nobles Deities, religious stories, royal families, luxury Most famous – Ajanta caves
Pataliputra: Roads Flat plains, green crops, hot & humid Hard-packed dirt A few feet off the ground for drainage Signs of distance Helped internal trade Connected India to China & to the Mediterranean
Ujjain: Literature Hilly, rocky land, mtns to the south, humid & warm, dry until summer monsoons Poetry, fables, folktales, & plays The Puranas (“Ancient Lore”)– Hindu legends The Mahabharata (“Great Work”)– poem of Hindu values and battle b/t good and evil Bhagavad Gita (“Song of the Lord”) – poem describing basic truths of Hinduism