A DVOCATING FOR CS IN K-12 Tapestry Workshop Duluth, MN.


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Presentation transcript:

A DVOCATING FOR CS IN K-12 Tapestry Workshop Duluth, MN

N OW W HAT ? We’ve heard about… Economic outlook Active recruiting Engaging all students What is the state of CS in K-12 education nationally? In MN? How can we promote CS in the system?

P ARTICIPANT E XPERIENCES California – Emmanuel Onyeador Texas – Kathleen Weaver North Carolina – Deb Ramey Idaho – Beth Richstmeier


Career Academy Network Link Learning initiative ng ng California Partnership academy C AREER C LUSTER MODEL (CTE)

Network Systems, Information Support and Service Web and Digital Communications Programming and Software Development? ards.pdf I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY P ATHWAY

University of California A – G Requirement gGuide/ag/cte/welcome.html A- G R EQUIREMENT (UC/CS)

Exploring Computer Science AP CS Principles ex.html  APCS A 3.html 3.html CS4HS Pilots with University of California Berkeley COMPUTER SCIENCE

GoldenGate Chapter: sites.google.com/ site/ggcsta CS 10 UC Berkeley: Pilot for AP PrinciplesThe Beauty and Joy of Computing (Professor Dan Garcia and Brian Harvey) APCS A Labcentric: Pilot (UC Berkeley EECS Department) CS4HS

Computer Academy offers: Exploring CS Data modeling, database design /programming Java Programming / APCSA s_corner/4483.html s_corner/4483.html Cisco Networking Courses O AKLAND T ECHNICAL H IGH S CHOOL

ATTRACT “AT – RISK” Students: Recruit underserved students Recruitment process Intervention process After School Activities: Robotics Technovation Challenge challenge/ challenge/ Computer Club COMPUTER ACADEMY

Robotics Job Shadow Internship Industry Partnership with Industry Peer tutor Students repair / maintain computer / network O AKLAND T ECH C OMPUTER A CADEMY

Community college credit for students who receive B or above in computer science classes ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS

T EXAS New TEKS for Teacher Prep Certifications available in Computer Science, Tech Apps, and Business Technology courses are no longer required AP Computer Science counts either as a math or science

N ORTH C AROLINA Taught AP Computer Science as a Math Credit for a long time Now is available in CTE dept Other Programming Courses are part of CTE Are piloting the CS Principles course this year State curricula 8 th Grade Computer Skills Test from Information Technology Essential StandardsInformation Technology Essential Standards now

I DAHO According to CSTA, all standards in Math Very few < CS classes taught throughout the state (Less than 10) No teacher certification except Career Tech Taught through IT:Software Development Career Track Dual Credit with post-secondary institutions

M INNESOTA What are the tech courses? Required Elective What are the licensure requirements?

CSTA Computer Science Teachers Association Become a member – it’s free! Start or join a local chapter

T ALKING P OINTS Moving Beyond Computer Literacy: Why Schools Should Teach Computer Science

M ESSAGES FOR O THER T EACHERS Students will need to be not only consumers but creators of technology Computer science prepares them to meet the technical needs in many fields

M ESSAGES FOR A DMINISTRATORS Prepares students for global competitiveness Raises the level of achievement for all students, including those traditionally marginalized Emphasizes critical skills Collaboration Communication Critical thinking Prepares students for college and career May not require a huge amount of money

M ESSAGES FOR … Who are the other stakeholders at your school? What are the barriers? How can you frame offering CS in terms of meeting goals at your school? What kind of support do they need to make it happen?

R ESOURCES Computing in the Core Advocacy 101 toolkit Directed at policy-makers, legislators nC_Advocacy_Toolkit_0924.pdf nC_Advocacy_Toolkit_0924.pdf Computational Thinking Leadership Toolkit Messages for many audiences Can adapt for computer science vs. CT CTLeadershiptToolkit-SP-vF.pdf CTLeadershiptToolkit-SP-vF.pdf

R ESOURCES Running on Empty Results of a study conducted by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Communicating for Change municatingforchange09_final.pdf municatingforchange09_final.pdf Suggestions to help construct and deliver your message more effectively