Holy Cross Catholic Academy Course Selection Grade 11 to Grade 12
Are you ready for Grade 12?
Diploma Requirements Compulsory Credits (Total of 18) 4 credits in English (1 credit per grade) 1 credit in French as a second language 3 credits in Mathematics (at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12) 2 credits in Science 1 credit in Canadian History (Gr. 10) 1 credit in Canadian Geography (Gr. 9) 1 credit in the Arts (Art, Dance, Drama, Music) 1 credit in Health and Physical Education .5 credit in Civics (Gr. 10) .5 credit in Career Studies (Gr. 10)
Diploma Requirements continued… Group 1: 1 additional credit in English, or a Third Language, or a Social Science, or Canadian and World Studies, Guidance and Career education, or Coop Ed.** Group 2: 1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or Business Studies, or the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, or Drama), or Coop Ed.** Group 3: 1 additional credit in Science (Grade 11 or 12) or Technological Education (Grades 9-12), or Coop Ed.** Religion Credits: Total of 4 Optional Credits: Total of 8 courses of the student’s choice, selected from the full list of course available in the school
Diploma Requirements continued… Successful in Grade 10 Reading and Writing Literacy Test (OSSLT) 40 hours Community Service **a maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as a compulsory credit (Group 1, 2, 3)
Grade 12 Programme Compulsory: English Religion Electives: –Refer to Course Calendar –Check post- secondary requirements
1. What is Coop? It’s a way to earn credits while gaining experience in the workplace. 2. Who can take Coop? Any student in Grade 11 or 12.
3. How do you apply? Enter Coop as your FIRST CHOICE on the Course Selection Form in January. You will then be interviewed in the spring for the upcoming school year. 4. Types of placements students have attended * Auto Mechanics *Aircraft Mechanics * Veterinary Hospitals* Dental / Medical Offices * Elementary Schools* Retail * Law Firms * Computer Programming * Hair Salons * Radio & Television * Restaurants* Bakeries* Army Reserves
5. Accelerated programmes & Special Coop Programmes * Electrical* Plumbing* Carpentry* Chef * ECE* Hospital * Police * Army Reserves * Heating & Air Conditioning* CNC
TOP 10 REASONS TO TAKE COOP 10. students are offered part-time or summer employment 9. sometimes students receive honorariums during Coop 8. students are offered full-time positions after they have finished school 7. Coop experience can be put on a resume (especially in fields that are difficult to get into) 6. hours and skills mastered can be used for apprenticeship trade requirements in the future
2. employers are often happy to be used as references for Coop students. 1. Coop IS FUN! 3. colleges & universities may see these placements as valid experience to help you get into specialized fields 4. acquire connections for networking in your chosen field 5. you can increase your average Coop is worth 2, or 3, or 4 credits on your report card.
Coop If interested write 2/3/4 credit coop in the first line of your Course Selection Form Complete a FULL selection underneath
Grade 12 Spares 24 credits earned required No more than 1 spare per semester
Grade 12 CourseUniversityUniversity /College CollegeWorkplaceOpen English ENG4U1ENG4C1ENG4E1 Religion HZT4U1HRE4MUHRE4OCHRE4OW
How does a student choose courses? Course Selection is NOT to be completed alone. You must consider the following: oSpeak with your subject teachers for recommendations oDiscuss with parents/guardians oReview the course calendar (on-line) and carefully read course descriptions/course requirements oResearch, gather information about post-secondary requirements oUnderstand all your options and requirements for graduation, including world of work, apprenticeship, college, university oMeet with your Guidance Counsellor oDo you have the required prerequisite for the course?
How does a student choose courses? Graduation needs are important Failures and compulsory courses as well as achieving 30 credits are the top priority of Course Selection Any possible compulsory course failures must be included in your Course Selection form Post-Secondary requirements must be considered and explored
Catching Up? Must repeat compulsory failures Alternatives will replace after Summer School/Night School/Virtual Schooling results have been confirmed Remember that Summer School courses may not be available due to low enrolment
Catching Up continued… Failing marks under 35%: Summer School course is all day for 4 weeks Failing marks 35% to 49%: Summer School course is all day for 2 weeks Compulsory Courses are offered during Summer School and a few electives (all courses are subject to enrolment) No bussing during Summer School
Alternatives Choose 2 alternatives Alternatives may be used…so choose wisely Alternatives are used for the following reasons: Conflicts Cancelled courses Summer School Credits earned and timetable needs to be adjusted
Course Selection & Fees Course Selection Sheet Student Activity Fee - $ Due: Week of 18 January (To your Homeroom Teacher)
Course Verification Spring 2010 – course verification check your printout carefully Correct any errors Make any changes
Course Selection Assistance Guidance Counsellors will be available during all 3 lunches in the Guidance office to assist with course selection Monday 11 January to Friday 15 January 2010