1 Mathematics Testing Update
2 Mathematics Alignment Document The Grade Level Content Expectations specify what will be tested from the benchmarks Not all benchmarks will be tested directly with the test Some benchmarks have more than one expectation per grade All are important to the development of students’ understanding of the testable items
3 Mathematics Alignment Document Topics are listed as well as the expectation Help to show continuity across the grades
4 Mathematics Alignment Document Domains are related to the content standards and/or benchmarks Domains for each strand are listed inside the alignment documents
5 Mathematics Alignment Document For example:
6 Mathematics Alignment Document How do I use the document? Use it to understand the richness of the curriculum surrounding the assessment item. Although the domains define the cognitive demand of the assessment item, the content standards and benchmarks clarify this even more.
7 Mathematics Alignment Document Use it with MiCLiMB
8 Test Design Fall 2004 High School Total number of items Total number of MC items Total number of CR items Pilot MCPilot CR
9 Test Design Winter th grade Total number of items Total number of MC items Total number of CR items Pilot MCPilot CR
10 Test Design Winter th grade Total number of items Total number of MC items Total number of CR items Pilot MCPilot CR
11 Test Design Calculators will be allowed on all parts of every test. Graphing calculators OK but no QWERTY keyboards No communication devices, e.g. phones, PDA’s. No sharing of calculators Reference and grid sheets provided
12 Test Design Pilot testing Stand-alone pilots for new grades (3,5,6 & 7) Stratified random sampling Volunteers considered for sample replacement only
13 Fall Tests 3 rd grade test 3 choices for multiple choice items Mark answers directly in the test booklet n th grade will test the (n-1) grade expectations 8 th grade expectations will be tested on the HST Test will remain in 3 parts
14 New Mathematics MEAP Structure Field Test Items After pilot testing, items will be used to replace released core items. Future Core Items representing more rigorous GLCE. Will become part of Core and count toward school & student scores by Extended Core Items based on GLCE that are supportive, enabling or prerequisite to Core items. Items based on GLCE currently taught at grade level. Counts toward EdYes, AYP, school scores and student scores. Red area not used to determine school test results. Includes future and non- assessable items. Core Items Courtesy Vi Littles, MDE
15 Fall Tests Core, extended core and future core items Core – intersection of GLCE and MCF at a particular grade level Future core – too advanced for a particular grade level Not assessable – unable to be tested by the MEAP (e.g., paper folding, bisecting an angle with a compass); repeats another GLCE Extended core - small grain size, partially tested by other expectations Survey of GLCE
16 Fall Tests Test Grade Core GLCEs Core Items Extended Items Future Items Linking Items Replacement Items Total Items
17 Fall Tests Item Bank Recoding items already in the bank to the GLCE Majority can be recoded to the GLCE Once an item to be developed and entered into the item bank it goes through many reviews by people from the field before it is piloted and entered into the bank With all the new tests there will be plenty of opportunities for you to have input on test items. Content Advisory Committees, Range Finding, etc.
18 Fall Tests Kyle Ward Mathematics Assessment Consultant Ruth Anne Hodges Mathematics Education Consultant