Space- [The Solar System] Created by : Yu BoRong Effects by: Yu BoHan The Universe
What is space? Space here means the Universe. The Universe is the whole piece of…outside the Earth. In this slideshow, we have only included information about our solar system.
Our Solar System… How many planets are there in our solar system? 5? 6? 7? No. There are nine. Our Solar System is a very interesting topic. Recent research study shows that there are more planets then we thought there was. The nine are [excluding the sun]; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
More about the previous slide Scientist believe there is more planets than we thought. And, for your information, there are actually planets, already discovered, that are not included in our Solar System list. They are some dwarf planets,one in the Asteroid Belt and the other about twice as far away as Pluto.
About Mercury… The time taken for Mercury to take one revolution around the sun is 88 days. One self rotation of Mercury takes 59 days. Because of the fast revolution and the slow rotation, on Mercury, it takes176 days for the sun to reappear in the same place.
About Mercury… Do you know? Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. But surprisingly, it isn’t the hottest planet in our Solar System! The hottest planet is Venus. Mercury is a bare and rocky place covered with deep holes called craters. The largest crater found on Mercury is called Caloris,which is 1300km across in diameter. There is almost no atmosphere on Mercury. Since there is no air on Mercury to keep the heat in and Mercury is the closest to the sun, the temperature difference is very big. In the day,the temperature can reach up to 400Degree Celsius, and in the night, it can be –173Degree Celsius.
About Venus… Venus is covered by very thick clouds of Carbon Dioxide, and have droplets of sulphuric acid in the upper clouds. This forms the atmosphere. Because of this, Venus became extremely hot,as the carbon dioxide traps heat like the greenhouse effect. As a result, the temperature on Venus can be above 450 Degree Celsius.
About Venus… Do you know? live Venus is one of the few places in our solar systems that have live volcanoes! It takes Venus 225 days to complete one revolution around the Sun. But one self-rotation of Venus takes 243 days. So a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus!
About Earth… Earth, so far, is the only planet with signs of life on it. Yes, Earth is our beloved home, where we live. There is one moon revolving Earth. You should know the rest.
About Mars… Mars’s nickname is – the Red Planet. This is because the surface is covered in red dust. Mars is about one-quarter the size of Earth and have a very thin atmosphere. One revolution around the Sun takes 687 days,and one self rotation takes 24 hours and 37 minutes.
Credits To: Yu BoRong, for creating the slideshow. To: Yu BoHan, for doing backdrop and effects. To: All the websites, where sources are taken from. To: Yu BoRong and Yu BoHan, for researching, organizing and analyzing the sources.