An Introduction to STEM Education Reform, Trend & Issues STEM Primer Chris Chris iSTEM Educational Consultant // Professor // Grant Writer
School of Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Science Center TSA State Office Engineering by Design (EbD) Grant CTEP Socially Responsible Engineering K-12 Partnerships iSTEM Consulting & Speakers Professional Development + New iSTEM Master’s (2014) + Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (2014) Department of Technological Studies Technology & Engineering Ed (K-12) Elementary iSTEM (Dual Cert w Specialization) Technology & Engineering Ed MAT
WORKSHOP GOALS Foster a Common Language for iSTEM Relay Current Trends and Issues Explain Design-Based Pedagogy Q&A
1998 $2 Billion “Let’s simplify the conversation about federal funding streams
How about “METS” How about “METS”
OK, let’s try “SMET” OK, let’s try “SMET”
STEM 2003 “Open the Floodgates” 2003 “Open the Floodgates”
WHY STEM Military Economy Education Policy & Funding Political message of nationalism & capitalism
WHY STEM STEM Reforms could be transformative Education transforms socio-economic boundaries If the world gets better, we all get better Humanitarian and Global Citizenry Views
DEFINITIO N: The study of the natural world EARTH LIFE PHYSIC AL Science
BLOOMS TAXONOMY Brainstor m Invent Innovate Imagine Design Prototype Model Redesign
S S REFOR M Physics First Algebra-Based Physics National Standards
NGSS Engineering as 4th Core Discipline Earth, Life, Physical, Engineering PEDAGOGICAL SHIFT!
DEFINITION S: The study of numbers, patterns and their relationships Mathematics Language used to quantify and qualify everything
REFORM S: TREND S: Singapore Math SEMANTIC S: Math “Problem” Mathematics
DEFINITION S: The study of the human-made world Products or systems crafted or built to solve a problem, extend capabilities, or satisfy needs/wants Educational - Technology Technology - Education SEMANTIC S: Technology
ED-TECH TRENDS: Flipped Classrooms Technology Promotion, Content, Branding, Sourcing
TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY: The knowledge skills and abilities that every human being needs to know in order to think and act responsibly in an increasingly complex and global environment.
STANDARDS FOR TECH LIT International Technology & Engineering Educator Association ( T&E Standards, K-12 (2000) Funded by NASA, NSF At the NGSS Planning Table
DEFINITION S: “E” - Engineering as a vocation or career “e” - Engineering-Design Pedagogy curriculum // instruction // assessment Engineering
* Make solar energy economical * Provide energy from fusion * Develop carbon sequestration methods * Manage the nitrogen cycle * Provide access to clean water * Restore and improve urban infrastructure * Advance health informatics * Reverse-engineer the brain * Prevent nuclear terror * Secure cyberspace * Enhance virtual reality * Advance personalized learning * Engineer the tools of scientific discovery * Engineer better medicines Published by the National Academy of Engineering, 2009
TREND S NAEP TEL 2014 Engineering
“e” - Engineering Design Process Two similar models, same gist!
Step 1: Identify the Problem Step 2: Frame the Design Brief Step 3: Research & Brainstorming Step 4: Generate Alternate Solutions Step 5: Chosen Solution & Rationale Step 6: Developmental Work Step 7: Production (product, system, device, event) Step 8: Testing & Evaluation Step 9: Redesign & Reflect Step 10: Communicate (document, present) EDP
iSTEM Virginia Tech Coins the Term: “Integrative STEM” "the application of technological/engineering design based pedagogical approaches to intentionally teach content and practices of science and mathematics education concurrently with content and practices of technology/engineering education. Integrative STEM education is equally applicable at the natural intersections of learning within the continuum of content areas, educational environments, and academic levels" (Wells & Ernst, 2012)
Constructio n
Transportatio n
Communication/ Information
Power & Energy
Biotechnologi es (Medical & Agricultural)
Manufacturi ng
TREND S Rapid Prototyping (CAD/CAM) iSTEM