Creating an Effective Poster for Presentation Michael Nelson, PhD April 5, 2013
All poster images (and many of the concepts), unless otherwise noted, are used with permission from Colin Purrington’s excellent website:
What is the MOST IMPORTANT consideration when designing a poster?
What do I want to say? You are telling YOUR STORY Where do I start? Where do I end? How do I get there? Does this story make sense in poster form?
Title Descriptive “Attention-getting” Understandable Title Abstract (maybe) Methods Results Conclusions Literature cited Funding Acknowledgements What should my poster include?
Colors Considerate Tame Design Size Colors Design Clean Organized Feedback Format and Layout
Design Size Colors Considerate Tame Design Format and Layout
Colors Considerate Tame MAKE SENSE Design Size Colors Flow Design Format and Layout
Purrington, C.B. Designing conference posters. Retrieved April 04, 2013, from
Purrington, C.B. Designing conference posters. Retrieved April 04, 2013, from
What program should I use? Microsoft PowerPoint QuarkXPress InDesign LaTeX Scribus Illustrator CorelDRAW Inkscape
Common Issues Alignment!
Common Issues Alignment! Color Font size and spacing “Can it be read from 5 feet away?” Image resolution
Image Resolution Color images: 300dpi Monochrome images: 800dpi Size Matters! Whole image Text labels
Image Resolution If (when) a printed image is poor: Print it out at high resolution and tape it onto your poster.
Final Thoughts Your poster is a visual representation of your story/research/presentation Do not simply re-work your paper in a poster format
Final Thoughts You should not need to be standing there Name/Picture nearby Restroom or food break Judges
Final Thoughts REMEMBER: You are trying to catch attendees’ attention You are telling a story
Sell your story! Dr. Rameeza Allie
An Engaging Poster Presentation Rameeza Allie, PhD Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology - UAB 5 th of April, 2013
Significance of being a good communicator Communicating clearly to people, what you do and why they might care -- opens career doors A less-qualified good communicator, will beat out a reticent technician almost every time.
? What is the difference between an oral and a poster presentation?
Some differences Audience size Personal Relaxed FEEDBACK
Goal for presentation POSTER OR PLATFORM 1. Connect With viewer 2. Direct and hold attention of viewer 3. Enhance viewers understanding and memory by providing easily digestible information Receive BENEFICIAL feedback
Preparations Practice Practice Practice!!!!! Feedback 30s pitch! Make connection KNOW YOUR POSTER! Read broadly about the impact of your work Rest BEFORE the presentation!
Presentation of self Professional attire!!! No gum chewing No strong cologne Name tag or photo on poster Comfortable shoes Do not stand directly in front of poster
Presentation of research Get to know your audience: 1. Base pitch on answer 2. Identify your audience and focus on them when thinking about your message. 3. Determine the audience's knowledge, attitudes and interest in the subject and develop your message accordingly.
Presentation of research Stress significance Be brief Supplemental media (handouts, iPad, photo frame)
Presentation of research Talk TO viewer Interact with viewer Listen Tasteful humour to relax viewer One group at a time Encourage more viewers
Take Home Enhance audiences’ understanding and memory by providing easily digestible information. Generate sufficient interest to maintain a discussion resulting in valuable feedback.
Thank you for attending! Michael Nelson Nickolas Bieser
Acknowledge c/posterdesign