GT Courses for Initial 30 Hours and 6-Hour Updates Laughing Yourself Smart: Creativity and Instructional Strategies Feeling So Right: Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Apart and Away: Differentiation in the Real World Inside the Brainiac Brain: The Nature and Needs of the Gifted
Pre-AP/AP Vertical Teams Pre-AP/AP Vertical Work Forethought: PLCs in Action Content Area Sessions
Literacy Academy (by invitation only) How to Conduct A Guided Reading Lesson How to give a DRA2 Assessment Teaching Writing w/ Rubric Book Study-Katie Wood Ray LLI Kit Training
ABYDOS Writing Institute Open Ended Response Socratic Seminar Interacting with Text Holistic Scoring
Texas ASCD Elementary Academy: "Rigorous Assessment Strategies for Elementary Mathematics: Before, During and After Instruction" Math 2012 TEKS - Revised Focal Points and Alignment Math 2012 TEKS: What's New in... ?
Response to Curriculum Focal Points Training Texas ASCD Secondary Academy: "Rigorous Assessment Strategies for Secondary Mathematics: Before, During and After Instruction"
Basics of STEMScopes Digital Science Program STAAR Science Grades 3-5: Focus on Success Science Inquiry Institute ELPS Academy for Science K-4 Science Academy
Reading with Science Instructional Strategies for Struggling Science Students STAAR Science for Grades 6-8 Focus on Success Science Academy for Grades 5-8 STAAR Biology Focus on Success Biology End of Course Success Flipped Science Classroom Science Notebooking for the Secondary Classroom STAAR Chemistry Focus on Success Chemistry End of Course STAAR Physics Focus on Success Physics End of Course
Writing Across the Curriculum TCI History Alive Training TCM Primary Sources and Reader’s Theatre Training Kindergarten Atlas Training DBQ Training at Region XI
Economics Training with the Dallas Federal Reserve Mini-DBQ Writing Training- sign up through Region XI Relevant Consumption of Political Information and TCI Academy: Levels 1 and 2 (History Alive!, World Cultures Alive!, and World Geography Alive!)
Aware Basic Reporting Aware Assessments Advanced Forethought: PLCs in Action Advanced Forethought: General Sessions
Interactive Content that Supports the Curriculum SMART Content Creation Teaching with Tablets EPALS Edmodo Storytelling in the Content Areas What's New with Google? Microsoft Office Bringing the Cloud to the Classroom Cooperative Learning Formative Assessment using Technology Google Chromebook & App Store Windows Tablets & Marketplace Project Share --Why am I hearing more about it?
Using CLASS to Write Standard-Based IEPs Best Practices in Working with Students with Disabilities Pathways to Literacy Language Differences vs. Learning Disabilities Bilingual Institute Boys Town Specialized Classroom Management Co-Teaching : Initial Training Summer Speech Camp Behavior Strategies that Work
Fine Arts PE/Health CPR Schoolwires Suggested Region XI Sessions ASCD Ignite13 Summer conference
1.I can get out of the heat and into the cool! 2.I will increase my knowledge of planning for learning 3.I will get content knowledge that I can apply in my classroom 4.I can get a break from my kids who are home for the summer! 5.I will learn new strategies to make my classroom the hotspot for learning next year 6.I can collaborate with my brilliant colleagues 7.I can earn flex time to use next school year 8.I can earn my GT hours 9.It’s free! Why not? 10.The trainers are GREAT!