Beresford School District Public Input—Future of Cooperative Athletic Agreements Special School Board Meeting High School Chorus Room March 5, :00 p.m.
March 5—Board Meeting Agenda 1. Call meeting to order: roll call and establish quorum. 2. Superintendent’s comments. 3. Adopt agenda. (m) 4. Set ground rules for the evening. 5. Review current enrollments and the new 12-member conference schools, effective for the school year. 6. Review informational presentation on the possibility of future cooperative athletic agreements in certain sports with Alcester/Hudson. 7. Public input and questions regarding the future of cooperative athletic agreements. 8. Review the next steps. 9. Adjourn. (m)
Superintendent Comments First of all, the Beresford School Board has made no recommendation or decision on the future of cooperative athletic agreements with Alcester/Hudson Schools. The Board has called for tonight’s special meeting to discuss the possibility of future cooperative athletic agreements in certain sports with Alcester/Hudson. The Board has set aside time for public input and questions so the Board is encouraging our student/athletes, coaches, parents, and community members to share input and/or ask questions this evening.
Superintendent Comments On January 19, at the request of Alcester/Hudson administration, Beresford School District Activities Director Kent Anderson and Superintendent Brian Field met with Alcester/Hudson Activities Director Mike Seivert and Superintendent Shane Voss at Beresford Schools to discuss the possibility of future cooperative athletic agreements in certain sports. At the meeting, Alcester/Hudson expressed concerns regarding their declining enrollment and participation numbers in certain sports and Beresford expressed concerns over their participation numbers in several activities and their enrollment numbers in the new 12- member Big Sioux Conference.
Superintendent Comments Alcester/Hudson stated they were interested in the possibility of a cooperative agreement with Beresford Schools in the following sports: cross country, wrestling, junior high football, and track and field. The cooperative athletic agreement topic was an agenda item and was discussed by the Beresford School Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on February 13. At the meeting, it was recommended by Superintendent Field that the Board host a special public meeting to seek input and/or receive questions from our public. That is the purpose of our meeting tonight.
Background Information Prior to Public Input Highlight our enrollment rank in the new 12-member Big Sioux Conference, effective for the school year; Discuss why the new conference is in our best geographic interest; Review current participation numbers for Beresford and Alcester/Hudson athletic programs; Review sports for consideration for a cooperative agreement;
Background Information Prior to Public Input Discuss the impact a cooperative agreement would have on class affiliation; Review South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) conditions, philosophy, and guidelines for cooperatives; Review pros and cons of a cooperative agreement; and most importantly Allow our public an opportunity to ask questions and provide input into the possibility of a future cooperative agreement in certain sports with Alcester/Hudson.
Ground Rules for the Evening Everyone who participates and speaks this evening will be expected to adhere to the following ground rules: You are here to listen and be open-minded. You are welcome to speak during public input time, to express your point of view and/or ask questions but first need to be recognized by the board president who is responsible for maintaining order. You are not here to be adversarial and/or browbeat individuals that express their personal views that you disagree with, be that student/athletes, parents, coaches, community members, administrators or school board members. You will be limited to a maximum of two minutes if you elect to speak. There will be no board action but the board may ask questions for clarification purposes to further understand a point of view. The Board president has the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when they do not adhere to the ground rules.
Big Sioux Conference Beginning in the School Year 12 Conference Schools ADM Grades 9-11 (Jan., 2011) Enrollment Rank in Conference Enrollment Rank in State West Central Vermillion Madison Tea Area Dakota Valley Dell Rapids Lennox Tri-Valley Canton Elk Point/ Jefferson Sioux Falls Christian Beresford Conference Schools ADM Grades 9-11 Out of 12 SchoolsOut of 180 Schools
Football Participation Numbers—Fall 2011 Football Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Girls Cross Country Participation Numbers—Fall 2011 Girls XC Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Boys Cross Country Participation Numbers—Fall 2011 Boys XC Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Volleyball Participation Numbers—Fall 2011 Volleyball Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Boys Golf Participation Numbers—Fall/Spring 2011 Boys Golf Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Class A—fall Alcester/ Hudson Class B—spring XXXX3XX47 TotalsXXXX8XX715
Wrestling Participation Numbers—Winter Wrestling Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Girls Basketball Participation Numbers—Winter Girls Basketball Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Boys Basketball Participation Numbers—Winter Boys Basketball Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson Totals
Girls Track and Field Participation Numbers—Spring 2011 Girls Track Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson XXXX14XX721 TotalsXXXX40XX2969
Boys Track and Field Participation Numbers—Spring 2011 Boys Track Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford Alcester/ Hudson XXXX14XX620 TotalsXXXX43XX3376
Girls Golf Participation Numbers—Spring 2011 Girls Golf Total Total 7-12 Total Beresford (spring) Alcester/ Hudson (spring) XXXX4XX37 TotalsXXXX10XX 20
What about Centerville? In early February, I did place a phone call to Centerville School Superintendent Doug Voss and informed him that if the Centerville School District would have interest in having a dialogue about the possibility of future cooperative agreements in athletics for certain sports, we would be open to having that conversation. On February 23, at the request of Centerville High School’s Activities Director Jamie Parish, I did send Centerville a copy of our current participation numbers in all of our 7-12 athletic programs. I informed Mr. Parish that we were having some discussions with Alcester/Hudson about the possibility of future cooperative athletic agreements in certain sports.
Impact on Enrollment Beresford and Alcester/Hudson SchoolsGr ADM Beresford Alcester/Hudson Total ADM
Impact of a Cooperative Agreement on Class Affiliation Beresford and Alcester/Hudson We would move from class 11B to 11A in football. We would remain in class B wrestling, by students. We would remain class A in cross country, golf, volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
Impact on Enrollment Beresford and Centerville SchoolsGr ADM Beresford Centerville Total ADM
Impact of a Cooperative Agreement on Class Affiliation Beresford and Centerville We would remain 11B in football, by students if the 11B enrollment cap stays at We would remain class B in wrestling. We would remain class A in cross country, golf, volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
Impact on Enrollment: Beresford, Alcester/Hudson, & Centerville SchoolsGr ADM Beresford Alcester/Hudson Centerville Total ADM
Impact of a Cooperative Agreement on Class Affiliation Beresford, Alcester/Hudson, & Centerville We would move from class 11B to 11A in football. We would move from class B to class A wrestling. We would remain class A in cross country, golf, volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
New Big Sioux Conference Where would Beresford rank in enrollment if we had a cooperative athletic agreement with Alcester/Hudson and/or Centerville? 12 Conference Schools ADM Grades 9-11 (Jan., 2011) Enrollment Rank in Conference Enrollment Rank in State West Central Vermillion BERw/AH&CV Madison Tea Area Dakota Valley BER w/AH Dell Rapids Lennox Tri-Valley Canton BER w/CVille Elk Point/ Jefferson Sioux Falls Christian Beresford Conference Schools ADM Grades 9-11 Out of 12 SchoolsOut of 180 Schools
SDHSAA Guidelines for Athletic Cooperative Sponsorships Application for Cooperative Sponsorship of an Activity— Conditions Philosophy and Guidelines for Cooperatives Classification Appeal Existing Cooperatives Application for Cooperative Sponsorship of Activities Cooperative Sponsorship of Activities—Resolution Approving Form Cooperative Agreement—Official Approval Statement Application for Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship of Activities
SDHSAA Approved 125 Existing Cooperatives as of July, 2011 Basketball—16 Comp Cheer—3 Comp Dance—1 Cross Country—11 Football—27 Golf—7 Gymnastic—5 Tennis—1 Track and Field—16 Volleyball—15 Wrestling—20 Band—1 Orchestra—1 Debate—1
SDHSAA Deadlines Board of Director Meetings Football—January Track and Field—March Girls Golf—March Volleyball—April Basketball—April Cross Country—June Boys Golf—June Wrestling—November
PROS Help increase our overall student enrollment in the new 12-member conference—instead of ranking last #12 in enrollment, we would move up to #6. Help increase participation numbers in some of our athletic activities. Help increase the possibility of fielding more competitive teams.
PROS Help increase the possibility of a greater commitment on the part of athletes to train in off-season and summer to earn positions on teams—conditioning, weight training, sports-specific workouts, etc. Raising the bar. Help increase the likelihood of a stronger coaching staff by combining head and assistant coaches from area schools in their areas of expertise.
PROS Share the overall expenses of athletic programs—equipment, uniforms, coaching salaries, referee costs, entry fees, travel expenses, utilities, etc. Beresford’s wrestling practice facility has two mats and could easily accommodate wrestlers for practice sessions.
PROS Beresford has an all-weather track and field event areas capable of hosting practices and meets and could easily accommodate track and field numbers for both schools at the middle school and varsity levels.
PROS Beresford and Alcester/Hudson have quality gymnasiums to host practices and games. Will assist in practice and game scheduling not only at the varsity, JV, and freshman levels but also at the junior high and grade school levels as well.
PROS Students would gain new friendships and teammates. An opportunity for both communities to come together to support their student/athletes, now and into the future.
CONS Practices for some sports will have to be held at both school’s facilities increasing some additional busing, as well as travel time and expenses. Each school may lose home games as games will have to be played at each cooperative school’s home site. Athletes may lose starting positions and/or playing time to athletes from other schools.
CONS Some student-athletes may lose desire to play as they don’t want to put the time in to compete for a position and/or playing time on cooperative teams. Some athletic programs may have too many participants. Football would have to compete in 11A rather than 11B.
CONS Concern over changing school name, school nickname, and school colors when becoming a cooperative activity. There will be some initial start-up expenses with the purchase of new uniforms, warm-ups, etc. for cooperative teams.
CONS If you only gain a few students on each team initially, is it worth having a cooperative agreement and/or changing team name, nickname, colors, uniforms, etc. Short-term thinking vs. long-term benefit.
CONS Decisions will have to be made on the head coach and assistant coaches for varsity, junior varsity, freshmen, and junior high level programs. There can only be one head coach for the varsity programs and so many assistant coaches for the sub- varsity programs. Which could cause some hard feelings amongst coaches at each school, as well as student-athletes, parents, and community members.
CONS Lack of community support for cooperative athletic agreement. Which might cause less unity and support for the cooperative team and its student-athletes. Which might decrease attendance at athletic events.
Public Input Time Ground Rules Everyone who participates and speaks this evening will be expected to adhere to the following ground rules: You are here to listen and be open-minded. You are welcome to speak during public input time, to express your point of view and/or ask questions but first need to be recognized by the board president who is responsible for maintaining order. You are not here to be adversarial and/or browbeat individuals that express their personal views that you disagree with, be that student/athletes, parents, coaches, community members, administrators or school board members. You will be limited to a maximum of two minutes if you elect to speak. There will be no board action but the board may ask questions for clarification purposes to further understand a point of view. The Board president has the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when they do not adhere to the ground rules.
Questions Where do things move from here? March 12, 2012 Regular School Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.—agenda item. Discuss the March 5 special board meeting and the public input received on the possibility of future cooperative athletic agreements with Alcester/Hudson Schools in certain sports and potential next steps.
Thank you for your input and attending tonight’s meeting.