St. Mary’s RC Primary School “Learning together in faith and love” Star of the Week Assembly Friday 27 th June 2014
1B’s Star of the Week For the amazing effort they have put into their reading! JessicaHarry
3A’s Star of the Week Everyone
Y EAR 1A STAR OF THE WEEK For an amazing effort at learning his lines and fantastic acting in our class assembly. Kaydden
5B’s Star of the Week Reniece For being caring, kind, helpful and thoughtful - an all round super star! Well Done!
RA S TAR OF THE WEEK Everyone in RA for a great Sports Week!!! Great Teamwork
R B ’ S S TAR OF THE W EEK Sebastian
2B’s Star of the Week Reis
2A’s stars of the week Skye and everyone!
N URSERY S TARS OF W EEK Zach and Valerie
4B’s Star of the Week Liliana For being a fantastic representative for the school on the winning Dance Show Down team. But also for winning an individual Best Dancer award!!!
Everyone On their excellent teamwork and good sportsmanship/ sportswomanship. 3B’S Star of the Week
Star of the Week 4A For her wonderful attitude and hard work and for her thoughtful diary entry in English.
Star of the Week 5A Ayla, Meklit And Mark For superb effort during sports and health week, with an amazing attitude towards competitive sport
Year 6 Stars of the Week Everyone!! For a fantastic week on school journey!!