InterLaser 6 Basic requirements
What we need from customers File(s) –Formatted ASCII file(s) with overflow* detailFormatted ASCII file(s) OR –Dumping ASCII file(s) with overflow* detailDumping ASCII file(s) Original layout(s) and, if required, copies of layout(s) –Cheque or Check –Payroll –Invoice –Order –Tax –Etc… Paper –Around 25 sheets of the paper they will use. Signature(s) – If required, the signature(s) must be signed on special signature forms. Logo(s) – If required, the logos must be in a Bmp, Tiff, Jpeg format with a press resolution. Next * Note : Overflow consist of detail printing on more than one page.
Formatted ASCII file(s) A formatted ASCII file structure is usually : –A fixed Header with multiple detail lines*Headerdetail lines OR –Multiple detail lines* with a fixed headerdetail linesheader Exceptions may occur, please validate with us. * Note : The detail may contain only 1 or many lines.
Dumping ASCII file(s) A dumping ASCII file is usually the actual printed document sent to a file with HeaderHeader and multiple detail lines*. This is the most difficult file to work with.detail lines * Note : The detail may contain only 1 or many lines.
Or In order to output documents, each project must be associated with one formatted ASCII file or dumping ASCII file and one form. Formatted ASCII file Dumping ASCII file Form Project
Document process A project can be configured to output data to one or many printers, to , to folders and to Excel files.
Miscellaneous How will the documents be printed (Sort order). Use of SmartCard. Signatures limits (2, 1 or none). Envelope (samples). Need archiving (Storing the data). Manual document (Input data screen). Automatic processing (Need to have the application always running for the processing of file(s)). Positive pay. Etc…
Header A header must have a: –Document* number –Document* date –Document* amount –Recipient** name –Recipient** address –Other information that is part of the file… * Note : A document can be a Cheque or Check, Payroll, Invoice, Order, Tax, etc… ** Note : A recipient can be a Vendor, Customer, Employee, etc…
Detail(s) A detail can have a: –Reference* –Date* –Description* –Gross amount* –Discount amount* –Net amount* –Other information that is part of the file… * Note : Detail can be different depending on the file we are using.
Formatted ASCII file example
Dumping ASCII file example
Form example