National Association for Court Management 1 Essential Components Fundamentals and Foundations for Court Leaders Essential Components [Date(s)] [Educational Program or Sponsor] [Faculty] 1.5 Hour Toolbox
National Association for Court Management 2 Exercise 1 - optional warm-up exercise What programs and services support the work of the judges in your court? What do you expect these programs and services to accomplish? How do you know whether the programs and services are accomplishing what is intended? Essential Components
National Association for Court Management 3 Essential Components
National Association for Court Management 4 Essential Components 1.Overview of the Essential Components Core Competency 2.Roles and Purposes 3.Characteristics of Programs and Services 4.Oversight and Evaluation Workshop Overview and Agenda
National Association for Court Management 5 Essential Components Examples of programs and services: - Records management - Pretrial services - Problem solving court - Interpreters - Self-help program - Jury management - Probation - Collections - Facilities What are Essential Components?
National Association for Court Management 6 Essential Components They can exist at any stage of case processing: - Case preparation - Adjudication - Enforcement/post adjudication - During all stages of a case What are Essential Components?
National Association for Court Management 7 Essential Components WHAT HAPPENS IF ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS ARE RUN WELL? - Litigants are better prepared - Litigants understand the process and what they can reasonably expect - Litigants are more in control of the outcome - Faster pace of litigation - Lower cost of litigation - Greater public trust and confidence Why Is This Important?
National Association for Court Management 8 Essential Components WHAT HAPPENS IF ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS ARE NOT RUN WELL? - Cases are delayed or take longer - Proceedings are continued - Litigation costs more - Litigants and the public are frustrated - Lower public trust and confidence Why Is This Important?
National Association for Court Management 9 Essential Components ROLES AND PURPOSES Roles and Purposes 1
National Association for Court Management 10 Roles and Purposes 1 ALIGNMENT OF ROLES AND PURPOSES The operations of a program or service should: Be consistent with the purposes and role of the judiciary and your court Strengthen the rule of law, judicial independence, and judicial accountability Promote equal protection, due process, and fairness
National Association for Court Management 11 ALIGNMENT OF MISSION AND VISION What is the objective of providing these services? What outcomes do you want? Is there alignment with mission and vision of the judiciary and your court? Roles and Purposes 1
National Association for Court Management 12 Exercise 2 What examples of programs and services can you provide where: Roles and Purposes 1 The program or services activities WERE NOT aligned with the role and purposes of the court? The program or services activities WERE aligned with the role and purposes of the court? How did the alignment, or lack of alignment, impact the effectiveness of the program or service and of the court?
National Association for Court Management 13 Essential Components CHARACTERISTICS OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Characteristics of Programs and Services 2
National Association for Court Management 14 CHARACTERISTICS OF PROGRAM DESIGN AND OPERATION Programs and services needed Service delivery models and alternatives Funding and budgeting Characteristics of Programs and Services 2
National Association for Court Management 15 PROGRAMS AND SERVICES NEEDED What programs and services are needed? What program or service do you need? What will the scope of the service be? To whom will you provide the service? Characteristics of Programs and Services 2
National Association for Court Management 16 SERVICE DELIVERY MODELS AND ALTERNATIVES How will you provide the services? Service delivery models Front door/access/referral process Characteristics of Programs and Services 2
National Association for Court Management 17 BUDGET REQUESTS AND EXPENDITURES Are budget requests and expenditures: Consistent with purpose, mission, and desired outcomes? Consistent internally and over time? Are revenues appropriate and collected? Do facilities, equipment, and IT services efficiently and effectively supports staff? Characteristics of Programs and Services 2
National Association for Court Management 18 Oversight and Evaluation 3 Essential Components OVERSIGHT AND EVALUATION
National Association for Court Management 19 Oversight and Evaluation 3 PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND EVALUATION To whom are you accountable? For what information?
National Association for Court Management 20 Oversight and Evaluation 3 MONITORING MECHANISMS Monitoring and feedback How often? What? (report contents) Response to non-performance
National Association for Court Management 21 Discussion and Feedback Based on what you heard today: Essential Components What is one thing you will change when you get to work next Monday? What will you do differently from now on at work? What is one thing you need to learn how to do, or do better? What is one relationship you need to build, or repair, to improve the success or your programs and services?
National Association for Court Management 22 Essential Components Concluding Summary Programs and services: Must be aligned with mission and values Can be managed Can be delivered in different ways Must be monitored and evaluated