Southside United FC Proposed Management Roles
OVERVIEW To ensure the club committee is effective in its tasks of setting and implementing the clubs direction and strategy KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Be the clubs leading representative in presenting the clubs aims and policies to the “outside world”; Chair committee meetings and managers meetings ensuring they are effective by directing discussions toward the consensus view Ensure the committee is made up of the right people to take the club forward; To prioritise the key projects required to take the club forward. KEY TASKS Attend monthly managers meetings Attend committee meetings and AGM Attend external meetings to represent the club where appropriate e.g. Walton Parish Role: Chairman
OVERVIEW To ensure that the club is governed properly and provide a central point of administration, information and communication KEY RESPONSIBILITIES To act as a main point of contact for the club, maintain records, data base and information in relation to queries, all administration and communications including competition and presentation events, affiliations, subscriptions, memberships, bookings, training of volunteers and mailings; to ensure monthly meetings are run efficiency and effectively To co-ordinate the club’s representation at all necessary external meeting; Affiliating the club to the County F.A, Border Counties, MKDJ7, the national FA and any other relevant governing bodies. KEY TASKS Attending all league meetings Affiliating the club to the county FA and leagues Dealing with any correspondence Organising the AGM and other club meetings Ensuring FA Standard chartered status is maintained Manage and run the managers monthly meetings Representing the club externally Role: Secretary
OVERVIEW The Treasurer is responsible for managing the finances of the club and maintaining accurate financial records. RESPONSIBILITIES To keep accurate financial records and be able to present to the committee clear and concise financial statements; Provide financial planning and advice to the committee on future budgets; To maintain a regular discipline or financial reporting, payments and receipt management; To provide regular information to team managers to ensure good practice in both subscription management and purchases. KEY TASKS Ensure all player subscriptions are collected and recorded Ensure all bills are paid and keep records Ensure all cash, cheques and Standing orders are promptly delivered to the bank Attending monthly meetings and reporting financial status to the committee monthly Ensuring the accounts are audited yearly Ensuring the accounts are signed off yearly at the AGM Ensuring that any statutory documents are submitted eg VAT returns, PAYE etc Role: Treasurer
OVERVIEW The Head of procurement is responsible for the purchasing of all Kit and equipment for the club ensuring good practice and value for money. RESPONSIBILITIES Creating and managing a procurement strategy for all purchases, such as kits and equipment, to get value for money and protect the clubs interests; KEY TASKS Once a year, (MAY) order new kits and equipment for all teams by working with the team managers and Vandanel Set up a process to ensure any new kit or equipment that is required during the season is ordered promptly Attendance at Monthly meetings Role: Head of Procurement
OVERVIEW To ensure all our teams have appropriate facilities to play matches and train in accordance with their needs KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Manage the relationships with the key contacts at the schools, and other facilities where we play, ensuring our relationship is developed; Manage training venues, such as Power League, so that our teams have suitable access to facilities during the week; Look for opportunities to expand use of current venues or add new venues for our teams; Negotiate appropriate fees for the use of all facilities, in conjunction with the Treasurer/ Head of procurement KEY TASKS Assign club officials or managers to be responsible for their playing facility Agree on a fee and payment structure with the facility ensure the facilities rules and conditions of use are met and communicated make monthly contact with the key contacts to ensure a good relationship is maintained Attendance at monthly meetings Role: Pitch Co-ordinator
OVERVIEW To manage the club’s approach to child welfare and be the first point of contact for club officials, volunteers, parents/carers and young people where concerns about welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified KEY RESPONSIBILITIES To be the club’s ambassador for Child Welfare activities; Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures; Manage club officials and volunteers to ensure all checks, certificates and qualifications up to date; Maintain contact details for local social services, police and the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) in case of an emergency. KEY TASKS Attendance at monthly meetings Manage any child welfare issues that arise Ensure all Coaches and managers have an up to date CRB in place Ensure all managers and coaches are aware of the process to keep their CRB up to date Role: Head of Child Welfare
OVERVIEW To be the responsible for the development of the coaching capability of the clubs managers and coaches KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Understand the current coaching capability of the club and look for ways to improve it; Provide managers and coaches with access to the right coaching material and equipment, so that they can improve their coaching capability; Work with external partners to improve coaching capability within the club; To create an age-appropriate coaching blueprint that supports the development of players across the ability range. KEY TASKS Manage the clubs coaching website Help new managers and coaches settle into their new roles Attendance at Monthly meetings Ensure all managers and coaches have at least level 1 FA coaching qualification Ensure all managers and coaches have up to date First aid qualification Ensure all managers and coaches understand the process for maintaining both their FA and First Aid qualification. Role: Head of Coaching
OVERVIEW To be the responsible for monthly meeting minutes and ensure actions are completed in a timely manner KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure agreed actions are completed KEY TASKS Attend monthly meetings Take the minutes and circulate post meeting Review minutes at next meeting to ensure they have been actioned Role: Minutes secretary
OVERVIEW To develop and drive strategies to raise revenues for the club from sponsorship, fund raising events and grants and the like KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Develop the club sponsorship strategy and ensure implementation of it; Develop fund raising ideas and ensure implementation of them; Ensure we get full access to grants and funding from third party associations e.g. the F.A, lottery fund etc. KEY TASKS Apply for grants/Sponsorship or other types of financial assistance from organisations such as Sport England, Football Foundation, Local Authorities and commercial companies Organise two major fund raising events per year Attend monthly meetings Make contact with local business with a view to gaining sponsorship Role: Head of Business Development
OVERVIEW To develop and manage the clubs internal and external communication strategy and ensure it is implemented KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Production of a regular and appropriate communications to be distributed to all parents/guardians of players at the club; To look for PR opportunities to raise the club profile in local press, radio and any other media; To create relationships with key local influencers such as editors, journalists and local fund raisers; To create a communication strategy for future player and coach recruitment to ensure continued club growth. KEY TASKS Produce at least two club newsletters per annum Develop a club brand identity and ensure brand messages are delivered Produce general interest themes around the club for local PR/Press Ensure the club website is best in peer group Attendance at Monthly meetings Role: Head of Communications