Serve More Alcohol…
But Do It Responsibly An Important Reasonable Effort for Professional and Collegiate Sports Facilities and Concert Venues
Facility Managers’ Objectives Control over everything other than what happens on the “stage” Ensure “positive” experience Make sure building operates efficiently and safely Control fan behavior from entry to exit Help marketing, promotions and sponsorship maximize revenue
8% of Professional Sports Fans’ Objectives, According to the University of Minnesota Watch a good game, preferably have their favorite team win Drink as much alcohol as possible outside the stadium Sneak as much alcohol as possible into the facility, any way possible Drink as much alcohol as they can AFFORD inside the stadium
Overlapping Objectives Facility Managers Positive Experience Building operation Control fan behavior Fans Enjoy the Game Drink Alcohol Revenue From Alcohol Sales
Who Do You Want Serving Beers to Your Fans? This Guy?From Here?
Who Do You Want Serving Beers to Your Fans? Or This Guy? 2 Drinks Per Transaction ID Checks Revenue for facility Incentive to serve responsibly - lose job for violating policies
To Serve Or Not to Serve Collegiate stadiums that do not serve alcohol deal with binge drinking in the parking lot before home games Facilities that do serve alcohol still face alcohol- related issues in the parking lots TAKE RESPONSIBLE SERVICE INTO THE PARKING LOTS! Establish and enforce consequences for violations of fan code of conduct, including alcohol policies
Possible Solutions to Tailgate Alcohol Abuse Beer carts Tailgate party Loyalty program
POSSIBLE Idea #1 – Beer Carts
Beer Carts in Tailgate Lots Friendly interaction Controlled service Offer tailgate items Trash bags, napkins Ketchup, mustard Lighter fluid, charcoal Share reminder of facility policies Observe and report (via text) fan behavior violations
Beer Carts in Tailgate Lots Designated-driver sign-up, coupon distribution Reward fans for responsible tailgating Sponsorship opportunity Video monitors could show game-day content Cheerleaders, former players, local celebs ride along Law enforcement officers ride along
Idea #2 - Bring the Stadium Party To the Parking Lot
Bud Light Power Party Free to public, all ages Discounted prices on beer Designated-driver sign-up Concerts, DJ Interactive games Cheerleaders, former players Fantasy football video monitors Radio affiliate live broadcast
Idea #3 - Tailgate Loyalty Program Follow rules and win rewards Report violations (via text) by others and win rewards Rewards Premium parking space Recognition in team e-newsletter Seat up-grade Pre-game sideline visit Meet and greet with players, front office
Consequences for Violations Ban from building Loss of ticket privileges Online alcohol test Ejection (turned over to police, medical or friend or family member willing to take responsibility) Arrest
Case Study – Red Rocks Amphitheater
National park grounds in Jefferson County, CO Managed by Denver City and County Did not serve alcohol for decades Averaged 3 flight for life airlifts for alcohol poisoning and 20 ambulance runs every summer Tailgate practices included binge drinking, underage drinking and binge underage drinking
Case Study – Red Rocks Amphitheater In 2000, alcohol service began inside the venue Service limits, ID checks, designated-driver program Within 2 summer concert seasons, binge drinking behavior changed No alcohol-related emergency airlifts in 10 years No alcohol is permitted outside venue on park grounds Alcohol sales have increased revenue by over $500,000 each season
To Serve Or Not to Serve For several seasons, New York Jets did not serve alcohol at their last regular season home game at Meadowlands Stadium San Diego Chargers cut back alcohol service from 2 beers per ID in the 1 st half of the game to 1 beer per ID in the 3 rd quarter
Responsible Alcohol Service Is the Best Way to Ensure Responsible Drinking Jill Pepper TEAM Coalition