National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems LNDES Professor Konstantin Lukin IEEE Fellow Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems LNDES IRE NASU, 12 Acad. Proskura St., Kharkov UKRAINE LNDESIRE NASU
National Academy of Sciences of UKRAINE NASU Has been organized at 1918 Consists of 6 Divisions: Physics & Astronomy Mathematics & Mechanics Chemistry & Biology Nuclear Physics & Energy Material Science & Engineering Humanitarian Sciences: History, Literature, Languages, etc. LNDESIRE NASU
National Academy of Sciences of UKRAINE NASU Has been founded at 1918 Consists of 6 Divisions: Physics & Astronomy Mathematics & Mechanics Chemistry & Biology Nuclear Physics & Energy Material Science & Engineering Humanitarian Sciences: History, Literature, Languages, etc. LNDESIRE NASU
National Academy of Sciences of UKRAINE NASU is headed by President Academy of Sciences, Academician Boris PATON NASU has it’s central office (Presidium) in Kiev Total amount of Research Institutes and Centers is ~ 160 all over the UKRAINE LNDESIRE NASU
Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics IRE NASU IRE NASU was organized in 1955 in Kharkov Current Director : Academician Vladimyr Yakovenko Organizer and First Director: Academician Alexandr Usikov ( ) Second Director: Academician Victor Shestopalov ( ) Total amount of Research Departments (Labs) is 21 with about 270 scientists and total number of employees ~ 700 Kharkov-city is one of the largest industrial, scientific and educational centers in UKRAINE LNDESIRE NASU
Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics Millimeter Wave vacuum and solid state electronics: Magnetrons, Klystrons, BWO, Diffraction Radiation Generators, Terahertz Lasers; Gunn diodes, IMPATT-diodes Millimeter Wave Waveguide components Quasi-optics: Open Resonators, Terahertz Trans. Lines Radar, Sonar and EM & Acoustics Waves Propagation Radiophysics of Semiconductors and Solids Biophysics andRadio-Astronomy Remote Sensing of Earth from Space borne and Airborne carriers (Side Looking Radar and SARs) LNDESIRE NASU
Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, LNDES, IRE NASU Organized by Prof. Konstantin LUKIN in 1991 Main topics of research and developments: NOISE RADAR TECHNOLOGY: 1. Generation of Chaos in Electronic Systems 2. Generators of Chaotic/Random/Noise signals in RF, X-band, MMW and THz 3. Digital processing of random signals: AWG & FPGA based SP 4. Design of Noise Radars with coherent processing 5. 2D and 3D Coherent Imaging in RF, X-band and Millimeter wave bands. Radar Tomography and Millimeterwave videocamera 6. Software Defined Radar: Xilings, Altera, Actel FPGA based boards for data acquisition and signal processing
LNDESIRE NASU X-band surveillance Pulse Coherent Noise Radar X-band CW Ground Based Noise Waveform SAR Ka-band Bistatic GB NW SAR W-band Doppler Noise Radar Stepped Frequency NR Frequency Hoping NR Stepped Delay NR Interferometric and MIMO SARs. Arc-SAR and Pulse Coherent Radiometric SAR 4. Noise Radar design