Invitation to the dinner A hungry man is an angry man.
Give it a name : 1 point for correct answer It is a vegetable Give it a name : 1 point for correct answer It is a vegetable. It looks like a large ball of leaves. The leaves can be green, white or purple. cabbage
Two slices of bread with food between them. sandwich
It is the liquid that comes from fruit when you squeeze it. juice
What’s the main course of the day? special today? soup of the day? make up questions: What’s the main course of the day? special today? soup of the day? cereal today? salad today? dessert today? 1 point for correct answer
make up some sentences: It’s roast beef. lamb stew. mushroom. soup. porridge. cucumber salad. apricot mousse. 1 point for correct answer
READ AND TRANSLATE YOUR HOMEWORDS: 1 point for correct answer to eat decent food at reasonable price to take someone for lunch on business to eat on the run to experience the dishes to be in a hurry to have a snack Прилично поесть по разумной цене Пригласить кого-либо на бизнес-ланч Поесть на бегу Попробовать блюда Спешить Перекусить
translate these sentences: 1. I want прилично поесть по разумной цене in your cafe. 2. My friend пригласил me на бизнес-ланч. 3. Every day I ем на бегу, because I am тороплюсь. 4. Let’s перекусим in our canteen.
Match waiter’s questions and visitors’ answers : a) Six. b) One check would be fine. Questions: 1. What would you like to drink? 2. Is everything OK? 3. Can I bring you anything else? 4. Are you ready to order? 5. Smoking or nonsmoking? 6. Do you want separate checks? 7. How many are you? 8. Do you want a table near the window? g f c c) No, thank you. h d) Nonsmoking. d e) At the window, please. b f) Everything is all right. a g) Mineral water and juice, please. h) Just a minute, please. e 1 point for correct answer
MAKE UP DIALOGUES : 1. It’s time for dinner already. Let’s go to the nearest café. 2. What do they usually serve for dinner? 3. They have a wide choice of sandwiches, salads, meat and fish dishes. 4. I would recommend our specialties-roast duck and goulash. Would you like soup? 5. Two clear soups. And two helping of roust duck. 6. As for me, I’ll take some salad. 7. If there are any fish courses on the menu? 8. We have stuffed pike, salmon and fish in aspic. 9. I shall take a jellied fish, potato soup and pork chop with vegetables. 10. Will you have anything for drink?
Составьте диалоги, соответствующие следующим ситуациям: YOUR HOMETASK: Составьте диалоги, соответствующие следующим ситуациям: Вы решили пообедать с другом в столовой колледжа. Обсудите меню и выберите блюда. Вас пригласили в кафе, в котором вы никогда не были. Спросите, какая там кухня. Вы с друзьями заказываете ужин в ресторане. Попросите официанта дать вам рекомендации при выборе блюд.